When adding a new Customer - Could not create new customer: ProviderError

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13 Jahre weitere
I upgraded nopcommerce from 1.7 to 1.8. When adding a new customer through administration page running on my local machine pointing to my development environment defined in ConnectionStrings.config, I could successfully add new customer, but after deploying the application to my development environment and repeating the same process of adding new customer, I get the following error - "Could not create new customer: ProviderError ".
Has anybody come across this problem? I need help!
13 Jahre weitere
So I am assuming that once on your live server the application worked fine but the error appeared when you tried to add a customer?

Does this error occur if you try and add a product, category, manufacturer, etc.?
13 Jahre weitere

Sorry for replying you late. It was a long weekend.

I could add a category and product, but I cannot add a new customer! It is weird that I could add new customer if I am running locally through visual studio and my connections in the configuration is pointing to the same development/Quality Assurance server?

Any other suggestions?
13 Jahre weitere

This is a tough one.  You shouldn't be able to add anything based on the error.  I am assuming you have made no changes to the code base.

Can you post the entire stack strace from the error?
13 Jahre weitere
We did some customization but if that is the case then why does it work through visual studio because it would fail even locally. I copied the following from log table from the database. We did not touch the CustomerInfoControl module?

From administration page
Add a new customer  [email protected]  Added a new customer (ID = 459)  10/7/2010 8:04:31 AM    
Add a new customer  [email protected]  Added a new customer (ID = 455)  10/6/2010 1:58:17 PM    
Add a new customer  [email protected]  Added a new customer (ID = 260)  8/25/2010 11:07:18 AM  

From log table in the database
3155  4  11  Could not create new customer: ProviderError  NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Common.NopException: Could not create new customer: ProviderError
   at NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.Administration.Modules.CustomerInfoControl.SaveInfo() in C:\projects\FrameStore\NopCommerceStore\Administration\Modules\CustomerInfo.ascx.cs:line 278
   at NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.Administration.Modules.CustomerAddControl.AddButton_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:\projects\FrameStore\NopCommerceStore\Administration\Modules\CustomerAdd.ascx.cs:line 40  38  http://qawebapps.yorku.ca/alumniframe/administration/customeradd.aspx  10/8/2010 12:57:09 PM  http://qawebapps.yorku.ca/alumniframe/administration/CustomerAdd.aspx
3156  4  11  Could not create new customer: ProviderError  NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Common.NopException: Could not create new customer: ProviderError
   at NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.Administration.Modules.CustomerInfoControl.SaveInfo() in C:\projects\FrameStore\NopCommerceStore\Administration\Modules\CustomerInfo.ascx.cs:line 278
   at NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.Administration.Modules.CustomerAddControl.AddButton_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:\projects\FrameStore\NopCommerceStore\Administration\Modules\CustomerAdd.ascx.cs:line 40  38  http://qawebapps.yorku.ca/alumniframe/administration/customeradd.aspx  10/8/2010 12:57:28 PM  http://qawebapps.yorku.ca/alumniframe/administration/CustomerAdd.aspx

Thanks for your help!
13 Jahre weitere
Again, this is a bit tough to diagnose in a forum.  The error that you are receiving is more generic in nature as it does not match any of the typical asp.net membership errors.

Here are some things to try:

1. Completely delete and start over with your live version.  Delete the folder and start over.  You said that everything works fine using Cassini.  Eliminate any copy errors or accidental overwrites in your web folder.
2. Once you have published your project in the new web folder, double check the connection strings and folder permissions.
3. Fire it up and cross your fingers.

Sorry I couldn't offer more but there are not a lot of details to go on.  What exactly did you customize?  You many have not touched the CustomerInfo.ascx.cs file but perhaps another file dependency.  It's sort of like retracing your steps to find your keys.

If you think of any other details, let me know.  It might spur a eureka moment.
13 Jahre weitere

Thanks for your help, but one of our administrator disabled registration method, I don't know then why it worked locally, therefore I could not think that would be a possible cause right away.

After changing the status of registration method to Admin Approval, and it started working.

I really appreciate your help.

13 Jahre weitere
I would love to take the credit but you solved your problem by rule #1 in debugging anything.

Retrace your steps.

Glad things worked out.
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