Products for which manufacturer part number changes

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13 Jahre weitere
In many online stores there are products for which if a customer selects different options or select Product Variant Attributes, the manufacturer part number changes.

For example:

There is a product "Television"

The Manufacturer part number of the television is : TV102SD-B (which comes in standard color Black)

Let's say it is available in 2 more colors: Silver and Yellow.

The manufacturer part number with SILVER color becomes : TV102SD-S


The manufacturer part number with YELLOW color becomes : TV102SD-Y

so what customer selected , the manufacturer part number should adjust according to that and when the product is being added to Cart, the manufacturer part number should be based on the customer's selection.

I have read few posts on this forum also from few store owners who were looking for this same feature.

Is this feature going to be added in future versions ? If yes, is it possible to be available in 1.9 or 2.0 ?
13 Jahre weitere
We have a work item for this task - 9567. But this feature will not be added in 1.90
13 Jahre weitere
Is this the same?
13 Jahre weitere
nopCommerce team | a.m. wrote:
We have a work item for this task - 9567. But this feature will not be added in 1.90

So Andrei, according to the above mentioned work item we will get this feature in future version (hopefully 2.0version) in which for each Attribute combination the manufacturer part number will be the changeable, am i correct ? not SKU ? please correct me if i am wrong...

Because SKU is an internet stock keeping unit which is different from MPN, and manufacturer part number (MPN) is generally changed on the bases of Product Variant Attributes...

so according to this work item manufacturer part number will be changeable, correct ?
13 Jahre weitere
abcd_12345 wrote:
So Andrei, according to the above mentioned work item we will get this feature in future version (hopefully 2.0version)

No, this work item is not yet assigned to any release
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