product thumbnail location

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13 Jahre weitere
I see binary data in the picture table, I am assuming that it hold the large product picture because I see the system saving a thumbnail in the image folder. Are these thumbnail's name kept in database anywhere? or is the name base on one of the product's attribute or SKU?

If anyone know how I can get the name of the thumbnail for my products please let me know.

13 Jahre weitere
The image thumbnails are named using the picture ID and the image size. For example a picture named "0000082_80.jpg" in the \images\thumbs folder is picture ID 82 and the size is 80 pixels (max dimension).

Pictures are related to products through the junction table Nop_ProductPicture.

Also see the custom property ProductPictures in the Product class (file: Libraries\Nop.BusinessLogic\Products\Product.cs) and see the GetPictureUrl method (line 295 in file: Libraries\Nop.BusinessLogic\Media\PictureManager.cs) in the PictureManager class to see how the thumbnails are created. Note that thumbnails are only created when they are needed.

13 Jahre weitere
Thanks again MB, you're a life saver.
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