nopCommerce 1.90 is coming in 14 days. Beta testers needed.

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13 Jahre weitere
thank you nopcommerce team.

Can anyone tell me how to use these things :

- How customer do the return request ? how it works ?
I want to test :
•  Email a store owner when a customer makes a return request
•  Email a customer after return request state change

- How "Preselect a shipping method and payment method" is different from existing version and how it works ?

- What is the difference between :  (Export newsletter subscriptions - export all / export active) - how active is different from all ?
13 Jahre weitere
All good so far guys ( I particularly like 'product variants' on Products.aspx )

but i agree with linkXperts :

linkXperts wrote:
ACL on Categories
When setting restricted access on a Category, the Category is indeed invisible in the Public Shop when you are logged in as a User that is member of that Role. I am still able to search or link to the Products that are in that Category, though.
Reading the explanation in the Administration page for the Category, I suppose it should work like this. But I can't imagine why you want a function like this to work this way. IMO it is much more useful to ONLY ALLOW access to a certain Category if a User is linked to a certain Role. Imagine this: when a User is not logged in, he/she can access all Categories. But when he logs in, that certain Category is suddenly gone...!

ACL on categories seems to be implemented the wrong way round - more importanty, it makes no sense if a category is restricted but the items in it can be viewed by anyone anyway - either by searching the store or by a link from a search  engine or maybe even e-mailed by a friend, from someone else's wishlist ....

so the obvious thing to do ( in my head anyway !) is to reverse the implementation and either extend ACL to products or to automatically restrict products if they are in a restricted category

- hayden
13 Jahre weitere
I had a suggestion on codeplex :

Allow advanced search to search only by price (not just search term+price)

according to codeplex, it's released in 1.9 - but i just tried it and i can't get it to work

Search.ProductSearchTermMinimumLength = 0

tried searching for products by price only and no results are returned

am I missing something ?? - i also tried leaving



but still, i can't search only by price

- hayden
13 Jahre weitere
Great new text editor it's really good idea..!!!
13 Jahre weitere
On the user profile info page (, "Latest Posts" tab, the value for the resource name Profile.PostedOn should be changed from "Posted On" to "Posted" so that the string is appropriate whether RelativeDateTimeFormattingEnabled is true or false.

So instead of
Posted On: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 2:04 AM
Posted On: 2 minutes ago

It will display the following and work for both settings of RelativeDateTimeFormattingEnabled

Posted: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 2:04 AM
Posted: 2 minutes ago

13 Jahre weitere
Suggestion: Style 'Upload avatar' and 'Remove avatar' buttons like other buttons for the darkOrange theme.

Current avatar buttons style
Style after modification

In file Modules\CustomerAvatar.ascx,

change current code from:
    <div class="section-body">
        <asp:Image ID="iAvatar" runat="server" AlternateText="Avatar" />
        <br />
        <asp:FileUpload ID="fuAvatar" runat="server" ToolTip="Choose a new avatar image to upload." />
        <br />
        <asp:Button ID="btnUploadAvatar" runat="server" OnClick="btnUploadAvatar_Click" Text="<% $NopResources:Account.UploadAvatar %>" /><br
            style="line-height: 6px;" />
    <div class="clear">
    <div class="button">
        <asp:Button ID="btnRemoveAvatar" runat="server" OnClick="btnRemoveAvatar_Click" Text="<% $NopResources:Account.RemoveAvatar %>"
            CausesValidation="false" /><br style="line-height: 1px;" />

to the following:
    <div class="section-body">
        <asp:Image ID="iAvatar" runat="server" AlternateText="Avatar" />
        <br />
        <asp:FileUpload ID="fuAvatar" runat="server" ToolTip="Choose a new avatar image to upload." />
        <div class="button">
            <asp:Button ID="btnUploadAvatar" runat="server" OnClick="btnUploadAvatar_Click"
                CssClass="uploadavatarbutton" Text="<% $NopResources:Account.UploadAvatar %>" />
            <asp:Button ID="btnRemoveAvatar" runat="server" OnClick="btnRemoveAvatar_Click"
                CssClass="removeavatarbutton" Text="<% $NopResources:Account.RemoveAvatar %>"
                CausesValidation="false" />

Add the following style rule to App_Themes\darkOrange\styles.css
.customer-avatar .button
    margin: 5px 0;

and add class name ".uploadavatarbutton" to the orange button style (line 863)
and add class name ".removeavatarbutton" to the grey button style (line 880)

13 Jahre weitere
nopCommerce team | a.m. wrote:

Incorrect Address Format in PDF invoices and Packaging Slips
You're right. It'll be fixed (it always worked this way in the previous releases)

Just my two cents here: In scandinavia and many other countries the address is written as what you say is the "wrong address"

So if you fix it, it will create another bug.

See address formats here:

Maybe look at the country for shipping and format address accordingly. That would be über cool...

EDIT: a better list can be found her:

It must be possible to make som dynamic logic for this. Maybe simpley screen scraping is good enough?

13 Jahre weitere
There are some typos in the new resource strings.

In file Install\Scripts\nopCommerce_createData.sql (corrected values underlined)

Line 6717:
    INSERT [dbo].[Nop_LocaleStringResource] ([LocaleStringResourceID], [LanguageID], [ResourceName], [ResourceValue]) VALUES (12135, 7, N'Admin.GlobalSettings.Profiles.NotifyAboutPrivateMessages.Tooltip', N'Notify customers when new a private messages is sent.')
should be:
    INSERT [dbo].[Nop_LocaleStringResource] ([LocaleStringResourceID], [LanguageID], [ResourceName], [ResourceValue]) VALUES (12135, 7, N'Admin.GlobalSettings.Profiles.NotifyAboutPrivateMessages.Tooltip', N'Notify customers when a new private message is sent.')

Line 6741:
    INSERT [dbo].[Nop_LocaleStringResource] ([LocaleStringResourceID], [LanguageID], [ResourceName], [ResourceValue]) VALUES (12159, 7, N'Admin.GlobalSettings.Media.StoreImagesInDB.Tooltip', N'A value indicationing whether pictures are stored into database or filesystem.')
should be:
    INSERT [dbo].[Nop_LocaleStringResource] ([LocaleStringResourceID], [LanguageID], [ResourceName], [ResourceValue]) VALUES (12159, 7, N'Admin.GlobalSettings.Media.StoreImagesInDB.Tooltip', N'A value indicating whether pictures are stored in database or file system.')

In file Install\Scripts\1.90\nopCommerce_upgrade.sql

Line 95:
    <Value>Notify customers when new a private messages is sent.</Value>
should be:
    <Value>Notify customers when a new private message is sent.</Value>

Line 167:
    <Value>A value indicationing whether pictures are stored into database or filesystem.</Value>
should be:
    <Value>A value indicating whether pictures are stored in database or file system.</Value>

13 Jahre weitere
Grat news !! and a big thank you to all nopCommerce team..
i downloaded the beta 1.9 version and i yust testing this version
this is my suggest :

- What do you think about to add gravatar images ?

- It would be wonderful to manage the part of supplier management and related orders

- I think need in Product table the field "package qty" (if my product can be buyed in package)

- The same product can be distributed by different suppliers with different prices, so product can be linked to supplier

This is all for now..

I hope my suggestions can help you to make a product better and better,
and if I help you with Italian language......
13 Jahre weitere
My goodness Andrei that list looks absolutely brilliant. Your productivity is quite incredible!
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