[Product_Picture_Mapping] ISSUE

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4 Jahre weitere
When i try to upload excel product import. Sometime it doesn't add entry in [Product_Picture_Mapping] database ?
So i am loosing pictures for some products ?

But if i add picture from product edit from Admin. It work's. But i can't do one by one for more than 1000 products.

Please can you help me why this issue ?

Kind Regards
4 Jahre weitere
Well there is the media setting - Maximum image size which I assume can block the upload
See https://admin-demo.nopcommerce.com/Admin/Setting/Media
But there is no bug as such that would cause the issue

Do you get any errors logged ?

Do the pictures that are missing have any special characteristic
I.e are they bigger ? Have different security ?

I have found sometimes images have an internal problem and will not upload via admin
If you can work out which product has the problem you try to re-import just these products
4 Jahre weitere
Hi Yidna,
I have upload 1838 products but upload only 1335 images
i can see 1335 records in picture mapping table.
i can see 1838  records In picture table
i can see 1838  records in picture binary table.

All my image file start with number format and end with number format like 1245245.jpg
No idea what happen.
4 Jahre weitere
please see below when i try to import bulk product. some image failed

Log level  
Short message  
Insert picture failed (file name: )
Full message  
System.NotSupportedException: Image cannot be loaded. Available decoders:
- BMP : BmpDecoder
- GIF : GifDecoder
- PNG : PngDecoder
- JPEG : JpegDecoder

   at SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image.Load[TPixel](Configuration config, Stream stream, IImageFormat& format)
   at SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image.Load[TPixel](Configuration config, Byte[] data, IImageFormat& format)
   at Nop.Services.Media.PictureService.ValidatePicture(Byte[] pictureBinary, String mimeType) in C:\andrei\nopcommerce\sources\src\Libraries\Nop.Services\Media\PictureService.cs:line 985
   at Nop.Services.Media.PictureService.InsertPicture(Byte[] pictureBinary, String mimeType, String seoFilename, String altAttribute, String titleAttribute, Boolean isNew, Boolean validateBinary) in C:\andrei\nopcommerce\sources\src\Libraries\Nop.Services\Media\PictureService.cs:line 762
   at Nop.Services.ExportImport.ImportManager.ImportProductImagesUsingHash(IList`1 productPictureMetadata, IList`1 allProductsBySku) in C:\andrei\nopcommerce\sources\src\Libraries\Nop.Services\ExportImport\ImportManager.cs:line 391
3 Jahre weitere
I have the same problem and the reason is pretty bizarre.
I just renamed:
0000127_picture-name.jpeg -> picture-name.jpeg

and here is the command line for multiple changing names:

cmd /V:ON /s /c "set "suffix=*_" && set "ext=jpeg" && for /F "delims=" %F in ('dir /B "!suffix!*.!ext!"') do @(set "_tmp=%F" && cmd /s /c "rename "%_tmp%" "%_tmp:!suffix!=%"")"

Just change ext to appropriate extension.

Have a nice day ...
3 Jahre weitere
I've been struggling with this issue as well and I think it's caused by a .NET bug. https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/21626
The Uri.IsWellFormedUriString function sometimes returns a false negative depending on the characters in the URI. In my case some image file names had the ^ character in it.
The workaround I am using is to url encode the image string before checking if it is a valid uri. I also had to change uri kind from Absolute to RelativeOrAbsolute for it to work.

In the Nop.Services/ExportImport/ImportManager.cs file I changed the function DownloadFile as follows:

if (!Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(urlString, UriKind.Absolute))
  return urlString;

var encodedUrl = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(urlString);
if (!Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(encodedUrl, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute))
  return urlString;
3 Jahre weitere
Linden wrote:
I've been struggling with this issue as well and I think it's caused by a .NET bug.

Thanks for your investigation and suggestion to fix. Here is a work item.
3 Jahre weitere
Hi, Linden. We analyzed the problem and your solution, unfortunately this is really a problem in .Net, but your solution is not very suitable, since it actually disables the check completely. For example, your code will accept such a string as a valid address: "this is not a valid URL adress://tes.jpg"

Linden wrote:

The workaround I am using is to url encode the image string before checking if it is a valid uri. I also had to change uri kind from Absolute to RelativeOrAbsolute for it to work.

In the Nop.Services/ExportImport/ImportManager.cs file I changed the function DownloadFile as follows:

if (!Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(urlString, UriKind.Absolute))
  return urlString;

var encodedUrl = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(urlString);
if (!Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(encodedUrl, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute))
  return urlString;
3 Jahre weitere
Thanks. That's good to know. Maybe NopCommerce needs it's own uri validation until the. NET bug is fixed.
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