2 Column Blog

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13 Jahre weitere
Hi All

I've had a look through the Blog files but can't see where to change from what seems to be a 1 column master to a 2 column master. Any ideas?

I'd like to keep the left hand Nav column.

13 Jahre weitere
out of the box on v1.9,

uses the two column masterpage ( nav on left column - blog content on right )

you can change the masterpage of pages by looking for

<%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPages/TwoColumn.master." AutoEventWireup="true"
    Inherits="NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.BlogPage" CodeBehind="Blog.aspx.cs"  %>

and changing it eg



now that I think about it, 1.7 and previous versions used OneColumn.master if you are using an earlier version,
change OneColumn.master to TwoColumn.master

have a look at the current 1.9 implementation of the blog

13 Jahre weitere
Great. Thanks

I was looking at ascx files!

Wish I was using 1.9 - I'm on 1.6 until the server outfit upgrade, which seems to be taking forever.

Anyway, thanks again.
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