DataTables warning: table id=shipping-byweight-grid - Ajax error. For more information about this error, please see

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3 Jahre weitere
Hello everyone.

I get such an error when I want to configure the shipping provider. How can I solve this problem?

Best regards...

3 Jahre weitere
Looks like the plugin has not installed correctly and the table ShippingByWeightByTotal has not not been created.
Is it the correct version plugin for v4.2 ?
3 Jahre weitere
Yes version 4.2.
3 Jahre weitere

The build process is running successfully. However, I still get the error below on runtime. I don't know what can I do.

This exception was originally thrown at this call stack:
    [External Code]
    Nop.Core.PagedList<T>.PagedList(System.Linq.IQueryable<T>, int, int, bool) in PagedList.cs
Nop.Plugin.Shipping.FixedByWeightByTotal.Services.ShippingByWeightByTotalService.GetAll.AnonymousMethod__0() in ShippingByWeightByTotalService.cs
    Nop.Core.Caching.PerRequestCacheManager.Get<T>(string, System.Func<T>, int?) in PerRequestCacheManager.cs
    Nop.Plugin.Shipping.FixedByWeightByTotal.Services.ShippingByWeightByTotalService.GetAll(int, int) in ShippingByWeightByTotalService.cs
    Nop.Plugin.Shipping.FixedByWeightByTotal.Services.ShippingByWeightByTotalService.FindRecords(int, int, int, int, int, string, decimal?, decimal?, int, int) in ShippingByWeightByTotalService.cs
    Nop.Plugin.Shipping.FixedByWeightByTotal.Controllers.FixedByWeightByTotalController.RateByWeightByTotalList(Nop.Plugin.Shipping.FixedByWeightByTotal.Models.ConfigurationModel, Nop.Plugin.Shipping.FixedByWeightByTotal.Models.ConfigurationModel) in FixedByWeightByTotalController.cs
    [External Code]
3 Jahre weitere
So this error happens when the Website runs ? Or when you goto a page ?
Have you changed anything in the code ? Has it run before - Does the table exist ?

Maybe as a test go back to a new clean version of v4.2 and run the install and start again
3 Jahre weitere
Check the System > Log for any errors.

Also, review the link the error message provided you ( to see if using the browser developer tools can give you more details.
3 Jahre weitere
Same message for me when i open Shipping rate computation methods (providers) --> Manual (Fixed or By Weight and By Total) --> configure

All this happen only in my local db thanksfully online is fine! but weird... i download and restore the exactly same online database local and there is the error again!! i have to uninstall and install again the plugin. Only this way plays local. i have this problem since upgrade to 4.2

In database there is the table  ShippingByWeightByTotalRecord but in log file i have the error: Invalid object name 'ShippingByWeightByTotalRecord'.

Maybe someone find how to solve this?
thank you!
3 Jahre weitere
When local, are you connecting to the correct database?  (check your \App_Data\dataSettings.json)
3 Jahre weitere
3 Jahre weitere
On local, if you "uninstall and install again the plugin", does it work then?
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