Data reader - error

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13 Jahre weitere
Hey guys,

Im trying to add a new field to the product object

I have added the field on the database, and updated the nopmodel.edmx, and added the new property on my product object.

when i add a new product from the admin module, it works fine, and i can add a new product with my new field (productowner)

But when nopcommerce calls the neccesary functions to GET the products, i get the following error

[EntityCommandExecutionException: The data reader is incompatible with the specified 'NopSolutions.NopCommerce.BusinessLogic.Data.Product'. A member of the type, 'ProductOwner', does not have a corresponding column in the data reader with the same name.]

I get the error on this code:

            var result = base.ExecuteFunction<Product>("Sp_ProductLoadAllPaged",
                categoryIdParameter, manufacturerIdParameter, productTagIdParameter,
                featuredProductsParameter, priceMinParameter, priceMaxParameter,
                relatedToProductIdParameter, keywordsParameter, searchDescriptionsParameter, showHiddenParameter,
                pageSizeParameter, pageIndexParameter, filteredSpecsParameter,
                languageIdParameter, orderByParameter, totalRecordsParameter).ToList();


Can anyone help me, i can understand that teh data reader is incompatible, but how do i expand the data reader so that it contains the new column?
13 Jahre weitere
Ok apparently i jumped the gun on this one,
I had forgotten to add the new field to the store procedure called SP_ProductLoadAllPaged, which maps to NOP_ProductLoadAllPaged.
So it returns a data without my new field which created the error.

Almost done with multivendoring on my site.
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