SQL 4.3 upgrade script doubled tables

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3 Jahre weitere
Hi guys, after running the upgrade script to 4.3 & software migration to 4.3 anything seemed to be great.
But: Any table has a double entry added:
Old table:

New tables:
sample.Product AND
Deleted all new dbo.xxx entries but they are restored automatically ?!

Any hints welcome!
3 Jahre weitere
Did you move database to a new SQL Server?   It sounds like the current SQL user account your are connecting with has a default schema set to  'dbo', where previously the database was created under schema named 'sample'

tomsen wrote:
Hi guys, after running the upgrade script to 4.3 & software migration to 4.3 anything seemed to be great.
But: Any table has a double entry added:
Old table:

New tables:
sample.Product AND
Deleted all new dbo.xxx entries but they are restored automatically ?!

Any hints welcome!
3 Jahre weitere
Hi JonQuick, thanks for your replay.

First executed upgrade script on a test db, then (after success) on the live db.
Maybe something messed up there?
3 Jahre weitere
Am I right to say that sample.Product has the 'real' live data, and dbo.Product is empty table? Is nopCommerce showing the correct data? or empty data?


tomsen wrote:
Hi JonQuick, thanks for your replay.

First executed upgrade script on a test db, then (after success) on the live db.
Maybe something messed up there?
3 Jahre weitere
3 Jahre weitere
Shows up almost fine. Only some locale strings are missing.
3 Jahre weitere
if you connect to SQL Server with SSMS using the same account that is in dataSettings.json

and execute this query, what is the result?


tomsen wrote:
3 Jahre weitere
SELECT SCHEMA_NAME() says "sample" which contains live-data.
3 Jahre weitere
Pls. have a look at the upgrade sql script 4.2 => 4.3:

--new column
IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[ShippingByWeightByTotalRecord]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(object_id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
and NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.columns WHERE object_id = object_id('[ShippingByWeightByTotalRecord]') AND NAME = 'TransitDays')
  ALTER TABLE [ShippingByWeightByTotalRecord]
  ADD TransitDays int NULL

I added the transitdays with SSMS to keep the Shipping Plugin "working".
3 Jahre weitere
Ok, thats good.

I'm not sure what could be causing the creation of the dbo.  objects.  Any 3rd party plugins which create database objects?

tomsen wrote:
SELECT SCHEMA_NAME() says "sample" which contains live-data.
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