Recently added products page template change

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13 Jahre weitere

I am wanting to change the recently added products page to a new template. It currently displays 4 products in a grid but what I want is to display these in line 1, giving 1 product on top of the next.

I cant find a way of doing this with the recently added products page as I can with the categories pages.

Can anyone help me please?

13 Jahre weitere

have a look at


compare it's implementation to the category page you want to copy
13 Jahre weitere

Thanks for the quick response, sorry mine was not so quick.

Is there no way to control the layout of this page through the admin area like you can with category pages.

I have had a look at the code and whatever I change always results in an error page. But I am no developer so I did expect it.

This is the code from the recentlyaddedproducts.aspx page

  <div class="product-grid">
        <asp:DataList ID="dlCatalog" runat="server" RepeatColumns="2" RepeatDirection="Horizontal"
            RepeatLayout="Table" ItemStyle-CssClass="item-box">
                <nopCommerce:ProductBox1 ID="ctrlProductBox" Product='<%# Container.DataItem %>'
                    runat="server" />

This is the code of a page I am trying to mirror

<div class="product-list1">
        <asp:ListView ID="lvCatalog" runat="server">
                <asp:PlaceHolder ID="itemPlaceholder" runat="server"></asp:PlaceHolder>
                <div class="item-box">
                    <nopcommerce:productbox2 id="ctrlProductBox" product='<%# Container.DataItem %>'
                        runat="server" />

the site is

if you go into one of the categories on the left(now called products, customer choice not mine) and look how the products are organised into a list which is what I would like for the new products link on the navigation menu.

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