Find bugs in nopCommerce 4.40 BETA and earn $10

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3 Jahre weitere
Nice, we have just finished one website with 4.3, and it was a wonderful experience with nop except one thing some features that is required by one website to be multiple vendor. But no issues we have customized the source code for few functionalities we like it though. Lets see what in 4.4 we will surely test this.

Thanks Nop Teams for making this product..
3 Jahre weitere
Using the precompiled (BETA 4.40 - No source code) instance and an existing 4.3 database with basic test data only I ran into this error:
Setup failed: An error occured executing the following sql: CREATE INDEX [IX_PCM_ProductId_Extended] ON [dbo].[Product_Category_Mapping] ([ProductId] ASC, [IsFeaturedProduct] ASC) INCLUDE ([CategoryId]) The error was The operation failed because an index or statistics with name 'IX_PCM_ProductId_Extended' already exists on table 'dbo.Product_Category_Mapping'.

The dbo.Product_Category_Mapping contains just one record:
Id  CategoryId  ProductId  IsFeaturedProduct  DisplayOrder
1  3  1  0  1
3 Jahre weitere
Dropped the Index and tried again but ran into another error so off to drop that index also
Setup failed: An error occured executing the following sql: CREATE INDEX [IX_PMM_ProductId_Extended] ON [dbo].[Product_Manufacturer_Mapping] ([ProductId] ASC, [IsFeaturedProduct] ASC) INCLUDE ([ManufacturerId]) The error was The operation failed because an index or statistics with name 'IX_PMM_ProductId_Extended' already exists on table 'dbo.Product_Manufacturer_Mapping'.
3 Jahre weitere
There are clearly several indices that need dropped and recreated. Here is another:
Setup failed: An error occured executing the following sql: CREATE INDEX [IX_PSAM_AllowFiltering] ON [dbo].[Product_SpecificationAttribute_Mapping] ([AllowFiltering] ASC) INCLUDE ([ProductId], [SpecificationAttributeOptionId]) The error was The operation failed because an index or statistics with name 'IX_PSAM_AllowFiltering' already exists on table 'dbo.Product_SpecificationAttribute_Mapping'.
3 Jahre weitere
and the next [IX_PSAM_SpecificationAttributeOptionId_AllowFiltering] ON [dbo].[Product_SpecificationAttribute_Mapping]
3 Jahre weitere
Would I be right in expecting that all these might need to be dropped and recreated?
IX_AclRecord_CustomerRoleId  CustomerRoleId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.AclRecord  Table
IX_AclRecord_EntityId_EntityName  EntityId, EntityName  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.AclRecord  Table
IX_ActivityLog_ActivityLogTypeId  ActivityLogTypeId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.ActivityLog  Table
IX_ActivityLog_CreatedOnUtc  CreatedOnUtc  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.ActivityLog  Table
IX_ActivityLog_CustomerId  CustomerId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.ActivityLog  Table
IX_Address_CountryId  CountryId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Address  Table
IX_Address_StateProvinceId  StateProvinceId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Address  Table
IX_AddressAttributeValue_AddressAttributeId  AddressAttributeId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.AddressAttributeValue  Table
IX_Affiliate_AddressId  AddressId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Affiliate  Table
IX_BackInStockSubscription_CustomerId  CustomerId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.BackInStockSubscription  Table
IX_BackInStockSubscription_ProductId  ProductId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.BackInStockSubscription  Table
IX_BlogComment_BlogPostId  BlogPostId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.BlogComment  Table
IX_BlogComment_CustomerId  CustomerId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.BlogComment  Table
IX_BlogComment_StoreId  StoreId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.BlogComment  Table
IX_BlogPost_LanguageId  LanguageId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.BlogPost  Table
IX_Category_Deleted_Extended  Id, Name, SubjectToAcl, LimitedToStores, Published, Deleted  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Category  Table
IX_Category_DisplayOrder  DisplayOrder  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Category  Table
IX_Category_LimitedToStores  LimitedToStores  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Category  Table
IX_Category_ParentCategoryId  ParentCategoryId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Category  Table
IX_Category_SubjectToAcl  SubjectToAcl  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Category  Table
IX_CheckoutAttributeValue_CheckoutAttributeId  CheckoutAttributeId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.CheckoutAttributeValue  Table
IX_Country_DisplayOrder  DisplayOrder  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Country  Table
IX_Currency_DisplayOrder  DisplayOrder  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Currency  Table
IX_Customer_BillingAddress_Id  BillingAddress_Id  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Customer  Table
IX_Customer_CreatedOnUtc  CreatedOnUtc  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Customer  Table
IX_Customer_CustomerGuid  CustomerGuid  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Customer  Table
IX_Customer_CustomerRole_Mapping_Customer_Id  Customer_Id  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Customer_CustomerRole_Mapping  Table
IX_Customer_CustomerRole_Mapping_CustomerRole_Id  CustomerRole_Id  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Customer_CustomerRole_Mapping  Table
IX_Customer_Email  Email  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Customer  Table
IX_Customer_ShippingAddress_Id  ShippingAddress_Id  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Customer  Table
IX_Customer_SystemName  SystemName  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Customer  Table
IX_Customer_Username  Username  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Customer  Table
IX_CustomerAddresses_Address_Id  Address_Id  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.CustomerAddresses  Table
IX_CustomerAddresses_Customer_Id  Customer_Id  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.CustomerAddresses  Table
IX_CustomerAttributeValue_CustomerAttributeId  CustomerAttributeId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.CustomerAttributeValue  Table
IX_CustomerPassword_CustomerId  CustomerId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.CustomerPassword  Table
IX_Discount_AppliedToCategories_Category_Id  Category_Id  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Discount_AppliedToCategories  Table
IX_Discount_AppliedToCategories_Discount_Id  Discount_Id  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Discount_AppliedToCategories  Table
IX_Discount_AppliedToManufacturers_Discount_Id  Discount_Id  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Discount_AppliedToManufacturers  Table
IX_Discount_AppliedToManufacturers_Manufacturer_Id  Manufacturer_Id  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Discount_AppliedToManufacturers  Table
IX_Discount_AppliedToProducts_Discount_Id  Discount_Id  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Discount_AppliedToProducts  Table
IX_Discount_AppliedToProducts_Product_Id  Product_Id  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Discount_AppliedToProducts  Table
IX_DiscountRequirement_DiscountId  DiscountId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.DiscountRequirement  Table
IX_DiscountRequirement_ParentId  ParentId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.DiscountRequirement  Table
IX_DiscountUsageHistory_DiscountId  DiscountId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.DiscountUsageHistory  Table
IX_DiscountUsageHistory_OrderId  OrderId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.DiscountUsageHistory  Table
IX_ExternalAuthenticationRecord_CustomerId  CustomerId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.ExternalAuthenticationRecord  Table
IX_Forums_Forum_DisplayOrder  DisplayOrder  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Forums_Forum  Table
IX_Forums_Forum_ForumGroupId  ForumGroupId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Forums_Forum  Table
IX_Forums_Group_DisplayOrder  DisplayOrder  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Forums_Group  Table
IX_Forums_Post_CustomerId  CustomerId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Forums_Post  Table
IX_Forums_Post_TopicId  TopicId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Forums_Post  Table
IX_Forums_PostVote_ForumPostId  ForumPostId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Forums_PostVote  Table
IX_Forums_PrivateMessage_FromCustomerId  FromCustomerId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Forums_PrivateMessage  Table
IX_Forums_PrivateMessage_ToCustomerId  ToCustomerId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Forums_PrivateMessage  Table
IX_Forums_Subscription_CustomerId  CustomerId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Forums_Subscription  Table
IX_Forums_Subscription_ForumId  ForumId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Forums_Subscription  Table
IX_Forums_Subscription_TopicId  TopicId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Forums_Subscription  Table
IX_Forums_Topic_CustomerId  CustomerId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Forums_Topic  Table
IX_Forums_Topic_ForumId  ForumId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Forums_Topic  Table
IX_GenericAttribute_EntityId_and_KeyGroup  EntityId, KeyGroup  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.GenericAttribute  Table
IX_GetLowStockProducts  Deleted, VendorId, ProductTypeId, ManageInventoryMethodId, MinStockQuantity, UseMultipleWarehouses  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Product  Table
IX_GiftCard_PurchasedWithOrderItemId  PurchasedWithOrderItemId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.GiftCard  Table
IX_GiftCardUsageHistory_GiftCardId  GiftCardId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.GiftCardUsageHistory  Table
IX_GiftCardUsageHistory_UsedWithOrderId  UsedWithOrderId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.GiftCardUsageHistory  Table
IX_Language_DisplayOrder  DisplayOrder  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Language  Table
IX_LocaleStringResource  ResourceName, LanguageId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.LocaleStringResource  Table
IX_LocaleStringResource_LanguageId  LanguageId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.LocaleStringResource  Table
IX_LocalizedProperty_LanguageId  LanguageId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.LocalizedProperty  Table
IX_Log_CreatedOnUtc  CreatedOnUtc  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Log  Table
IX_Log_CustomerId  CustomerId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Log  Table
IX_Manufacturer_DisplayOrder  DisplayOrder  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Manufacturer  Table
IX_Manufacturer_LimitedToStores  LimitedToStores  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Manufacturer  Table
IX_Manufacturer_SubjectToAcl  SubjectToAcl  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Manufacturer  Table
IX_News_LanguageId  LanguageId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.News  Table
IX_NewsComment_CustomerId  CustomerId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.NewsComment  Table
IX_NewsComment_NewsItemId  NewsItemId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.NewsComment  Table
IX_NewsComment_StoreId  StoreId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.NewsComment  Table
IX_NewsletterSubscription_Email_StoreId  Email, StoreId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.NewsLetterSubscription  Table
IX_Order_BillingAddressId  BillingAddressId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Order  Table
IX_Order_CreatedOnUtc  CreatedOnUtc  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Order  Table
IX_Order_CustomerId  CustomerId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Order  Table
IX_Order_PickupAddressId  PickupAddressId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Order  Table
IX_Order_ShippingAddressId  ShippingAddressId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Order  Table
IX_OrderItem_OrderId  OrderId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.OrderItem  Table
IX_OrderItem_ProductId  ProductId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.OrderItem  Table
IX_OrderNote_OrderId  OrderId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.OrderNote  Table
IX_PCM_Product_and_Category  CategoryId, ProductId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Product_Category_Mapping  Table
IX_PCM_ProductId_Extended  CategoryId, ProductId, IsFeaturedProduct  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Product_Category_Mapping  Table
IX_PermissionRecord_Role_Mapping_CustomerRole_Id  CustomerRole_Id  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.PermissionRecord_Role_Mapping  Table
IX_PermissionRecord_Role_Mapping_PermissionRecord_Id  PermissionRecord_Id  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.PermissionRecord_Role_Mapping  Table
IX_PictureBinary_PictureId  PictureId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.PictureBinary  Table
IX_PMM_Product_and_Manufacturer  ManufacturerId, ProductId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Product_Manufacturer_Mapping  Table
IX_PMM_ProductId_Extended  ManufacturerId, ProductId, IsFeaturedProduct  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Product_Manufacturer_Mapping  Table
IX_Poll_LanguageId  LanguageId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Poll  Table
IX_PollAnswer_PollId  PollId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.PollAnswer  Table
IX_PollVotingRecord_CustomerId  CustomerId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.PollVotingRecord  Table
IX_PollVotingRecord_PollAnswerId  PollAnswerId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.PollVotingRecord  Table
IX_PredefinedProductAttributeValue_ProductAttributeId  ProductAttributeId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.PredefinedProductAttributeValue  Table
IX_Product_Category_Mapping_CategoryId  CategoryId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Product_Category_Mapping  Table
IX_Product_Category_Mapping_IsFeaturedProduct  IsFeaturedProduct  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Product_Category_Mapping  Table
IX_Product_Category_Mapping_ProductId  ProductId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Product_Category_Mapping  Table
IX_Product_Delete_Id  Deleted, Id  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Product  Table
IX_Product_Deleted_and_Published  Published, Deleted  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Product  Table
IX_Product_LimitedToStores  LimitedToStores  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Product  Table
IX_Product_Manufacturer_Mapping_IsFeaturedProduct  IsFeaturedProduct  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Product_Manufacturer_Mapping  Table
IX_Product_Manufacturer_Mapping_ManufacturerId  ManufacturerId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Product_Manufacturer_Mapping  Table
IX_Product_Manufacturer_Mapping_ProductId  ProductId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Product_Manufacturer_Mapping  Table
IX_Product_ParentGroupedProductId  ParentGroupedProductId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Product  Table
IX_Product_Picture_Mapping_PictureId  PictureId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Product_Picture_Mapping  Table
IX_Product_Picture_Mapping_ProductId  ProductId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Product_Picture_Mapping  Table
IX_Product_PriceDatesEtc  Price, AvailableStartDateTimeUtc, AvailableEndDateTimeUtc, Published, Deleted  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Product  Table
IX_Product_ProductAttribute_Mapping_ProductAttributeId  ProductAttributeId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Product_ProductAttribute_Mapping  Table
IX_Product_ProductAttribute_Mapping_ProductId  ProductId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Product_ProductAttribute_Mapping  Table
IX_Product_ProductAttribute_Mapping_ProductId_DisplayOrder  ProductId, DisplayOrder  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Product_ProductAttribute_Mapping  Table
IX_Product_ProductTag_Mapping_Product_Id  Product_Id  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Product_ProductTag_Mapping  Table
IX_Product_ProductTag_Mapping_ProductTag_Id  ProductTag_Id  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Product_ProductTag_Mapping  Table
IX_Product_Published  Published  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Product  Table
IX_Product_ShowOnHomepage  ShowOnHomepage  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Product  Table
IX_Product_SpecificationAttribute_Mapping_ProductId  ProductId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Product_SpecificationAttribute_Mapping  Table
IX_Product_SpecificationAttribute_Mapping_SpecificationAttributeOptionId  SpecificationAttributeOptionId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Product_SpecificationAttribute_Mapping  Table
IX_Product_SubjectToAcl  SubjectToAcl  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Product  Table
IX_Product_VisibleIndividually  VisibleIndividually  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Product  Table
IX_Product_VisibleIndividually_Published_Deleted_Extended  Id, AvailableStartDateTimeUtc, AvailableEndDateTimeUtc, VisibleIndividually, Published, Deleted  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Product  Table
IX_ProductAttributeCombination_ProductId  ProductId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.ProductAttributeCombination  Table
IX_ProductAttributeValue_ProductAttributeMappingId  ProductAttributeMappingId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.ProductAttributeValue  Table
IX_ProductAttributeValue_ProductAttributeMappingId_DisplayOrder  ProductAttributeMappingId, DisplayOrder  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.ProductAttributeValue  Table
IX_ProductReview_CustomerId  CustomerId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.ProductReview  Table
IX_ProductReview_ProductId  ProductId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.ProductReview  Table
IX_ProductReview_ReviewType_Mapping_ProductReviewId  ProductReviewId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.ProductReview_ReviewType_Mapping  Table
IX_ProductReview_ReviewType_Mapping_ReviewTypeId  ReviewTypeId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.ProductReview_ReviewType_Mapping  Table
IX_ProductReview_StoreId  StoreId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.ProductReview  Table
IX_ProductReviewHelpfulness_ProductReviewId  ProductReviewId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.ProductReviewHelpfulness  Table
IX_ProductTag_Name  Name  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.ProductTag  Table
IX_ProductWarehouseInventory_ProductId  ProductId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.ProductWarehouseInventory  Table
IX_ProductWarehouseInventory_WarehouseId  WarehouseId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.ProductWarehouseInventory  Table
IX_PSAM_AllowFiltering  ProductId, SpecificationAttributeOptionId, AllowFiltering  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Product_SpecificationAttribute_Mapping  Table
IX_PSAM_SpecificationAttributeOptionId_AllowFiltering  ProductId, SpecificationAttributeOptionId, AllowFiltering  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Product_SpecificationAttribute_Mapping  Table
IX_QueuedEmail_CreatedOnUtc  CreatedOnUtc  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.QueuedEmail  Table
IX_QueuedEmail_EmailAccountId  EmailAccountId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.QueuedEmail  Table
IX_RecurringPayment_InitialOrderId  InitialOrderId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.RecurringPayment  Table
IX_RecurringPaymentHistory_RecurringPaymentId  RecurringPaymentId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.RecurringPaymentHistory  Table
IX_RelatedProduct_ProductId1  ProductId1  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.RelatedProduct  Table
IX_ReturnRequest_CustomerId  CustomerId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.ReturnRequest  Table
IX_RewardPointsHistory_CustomerId  CustomerId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.RewardPointsHistory  Table
IX_Shipment_OrderId  OrderId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Shipment  Table
IX_ShipmentItem_ShipmentId  ShipmentId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.ShipmentItem  Table
IX_ShippingMethodRestrictions_Country_Id  Country_Id  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.ShippingMethodRestrictions  Table
IX_ShippingMethodRestrictions_ShippingMethod_Id  ShippingMethod_Id  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.ShippingMethodRestrictions  Table
IX_ShoppingCartItem_CustomerId  CustomerId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.ShoppingCartItem  Table
IX_ShoppingCartItem_ProductId  ProductId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.ShoppingCartItem  Table
IX_ShoppingCartItem_ShoppingCartTypeId_CustomerId  ShoppingCartTypeId, CustomerId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.ShoppingCartItem  Table
IX_SpecificationAttribute_SpecificationAttributeGroupId  SpecificationAttributeGroupId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.SpecificationAttribute  Table
IX_SpecificationAttributeOption_SpecificationAttributeId  SpecificationAttributeId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.SpecificationAttributeOption  Table
IX_StateProvince_CountryId  CountryId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.StateProvince  Table
IX_StockQuantityHistory_ProductId  ProductId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.StockQuantityHistory  Table
IX_StockQuantityHistory_WarehouseId  WarehouseId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.StockQuantityHistory  Table
IX_StoreMapping_EntityId_EntityName  EntityId, EntityName  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.StoreMapping  Table
IX_StoreMapping_StoreId  StoreId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.StoreMapping  Table
IX_TierPrice_CustomerRoleId  CustomerRoleId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.TierPrice  Table
IX_TierPrice_ProductId  ProductId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.TierPrice  Table
IX_Topic_TopicTemplateId  TopicTemplateId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.Topic  Table
IX_UrlRecord_Custom_1  EntityId, EntityName, LanguageId, IsActive  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.UrlRecord  Table
IX_UrlRecord_Slug  Slug  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.UrlRecord  Table
IX_VendorAttributeValue_VendorAttributeId  VendorAttributeId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.VendorAttributeValue  Table
IX_VendorNote_VendorId  VendorId  Nonclustered unique index  Not unique  dbo.VendorNote  Table
PK_AclRecord  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.AclRecord  Table
PK_ActivityLog  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.ActivityLog  Table
PK_ActivityLogType  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.ActivityLogType  Table
PK_Address  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.Address  Table
PK_AddressAttribute  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.AddressAttribute  Table
PK_AddressAttributeValue  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.AddressAttributeValue  Table
PK_Affiliate  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.Affiliate  Table
PK_BackInStockSubscription  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.BackInStockSubscription  Table
PK_BlogComment  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.BlogComment  Table
PK_BlogPost  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.BlogPost  Table
PK_Campaign  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.Campaign  Table
PK_Category  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.Category  Table
PK_CategoryTemplate  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.CategoryTemplate  Table
PK_CheckoutAttribute  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.CheckoutAttribute  Table
PK_CheckoutAttributeValue  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.CheckoutAttributeValue  Table
PK_Country  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.Country  Table
PK_CrossSellProduct  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.CrossSellProduct  Table
PK_Currency  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.Currency  Table
PK_Customer  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.Customer  Table
PK_Customer_CustomerRole_Mapping  Customer_Id, CustomerRole_Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.Customer_CustomerRole_Mapping  Table
PK_CustomerAddresses  Address_Id, Customer_Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.CustomerAddresses  Table
PK_CustomerAttribute  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.CustomerAttribute  Table
PK_CustomerAttributeValue  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.CustomerAttributeValue  Table
PK_CustomerPassword  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.CustomerPassword  Table
PK_CustomerRole  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.CustomerRole  Table
PK_DeliveryDate  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.DeliveryDate  Table
PK_Discount  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.Discount  Table
PK_Discount_AppliedToCategories  Discount_Id, Category_Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.Discount_AppliedToCategories  Table
PK_Discount_AppliedToManufacturers  Discount_Id, Manufacturer_Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.Discount_AppliedToManufacturers  Table
PK_Discount_AppliedToProducts  Discount_Id, Product_Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.Discount_AppliedToProducts  Table
PK_DiscountRequirement  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.DiscountRequirement  Table
PK_DiscountUsageHistory  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.DiscountUsageHistory  Table
PK_Download  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.Download  Table
PK_EmailAccount  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.EmailAccount  Table
PK_ExternalAuthenticationRecord  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.ExternalAuthenticationRecord  Table
PK_Forums_Forum  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.Forums_Forum  Table
PK_Forums_Group  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.Forums_Group  Table
PK_Forums_Post  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.Forums_Post  Table
PK_Forums_PostVote  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.Forums_PostVote  Table
PK_Forums_PrivateMessage  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.Forums_PrivateMessage  Table
PK_Forums_Subscription  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.Forums_Subscription  Table
PK_Forums_Topic  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.Forums_Topic  Table
PK_GdprConsent  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.GdprConsent  Table
PK_GdprLog  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.GdprLog  Table
PK_GenericAttribute  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.GenericAttribute  Table
PK_GiftCard  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.GiftCard  Table
PK_GiftCardUsageHistory  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.GiftCardUsageHistory  Table
PK_Language  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.Language  Table
PK_LocaleStringResource  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.LocaleStringResource  Table
PK_LocalizedProperty  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.LocalizedProperty  Table
PK_Log  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.Log  Table
PK_Manufacturer  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.Manufacturer  Table
PK_ManufacturerTemplate  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.ManufacturerTemplate  Table
PK_MeasureDimension  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.MeasureDimension  Table
PK_MeasureWeight  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.MeasureWeight  Table
PK_MessageTemplate  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.MessageTemplate  Table
PK_News  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.News  Table
PK_NewsComment  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.NewsComment  Table
PK_NewsLetterSubscription  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.NewsLetterSubscription  Table
PK_Order  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.Order  Table
PK_OrderItem  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.OrderItem  Table
PK_OrderNote  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.OrderNote  Table
PK_PermissionRecord  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.PermissionRecord  Table
PK_PermissionRecord_Role_Mapping  PermissionRecord_Id, CustomerRole_Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.PermissionRecord_Role_Mapping  Table
PK_Picture  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.Picture  Table
PK_PictureBinary  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.PictureBinary  Table
PK_Poll  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.Poll  Table
PK_PollAnswer  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.PollAnswer  Table
PK_PollVotingRecord  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.PollVotingRecord  Table
PK_PredefinedProductAttributeValue  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.PredefinedProductAttributeValue  Table
PK_Product  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.Product  Table
PK_Product_Category_Mapping  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.Product_Category_Mapping  Table
PK_Product_Manufacturer_Mapping  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.Product_Manufacturer_Mapping  Table
PK_Product_Picture_Mapping  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.Product_Picture_Mapping  Table
PK_Product_ProductAttribute_Mapping  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.Product_ProductAttribute_Mapping  Table
PK_Product_ProductTag_Mapping  Product_Id, ProductTag_Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.Product_ProductTag_Mapping  Table
PK_Product_SpecificationAttribute_Mapping  Id  Clustered index  Unique  dbo.Product_SpecificationAttribute_Map
3 Jahre weitere
Not so much a bug, just a suggestion.

On the admin menu, put an icon for "plugins". The other headers have a little icon, but not plugins

3 Jahre weitere
My Plugins have "back to widget list" instead of Plugins when I'm in the Config page. This is for Custom Plugins

Here is my constructor too

public class FundraiserTShirtsProvider : BasePlugin, IAdminMenuPlugin, IWidgetPlugin, IMiscPlugin

3 Jahre weitere
dootchie wrote:
Not so much a bug, just a suggestion.

On the admin menu, put an icon for "plugins". The other headers have a little icon, but not plugins

Thanks a lot! We'll check it -
3 Jahre weitere
When I install NopCommerce I chosen Turkish Language
After Application started I changed  language from Tr to En
Language changed successfully Then I tried to add new user
Months name still in Turkish and not changed to En
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