How to change the background color or image of each of my category menu link.

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13 Jahre weitere
How to change the background color or image of each of  my category link.
First, thanks for sharing this great product.
I would like some of my Category menu  links to have a different background color.

I have added a Placeholder in the CategoryNavigation.aspx

        <ul class="listbox">
            <asp:PlaceHolder runat="server" ID="phCategories" EnableViewState="false" />
        <ul ="listboxeven">
            <asp:PlaceHolder runat="server" ID="phCategorieseven" EnableViewState="false" />

And since the links are created dynamically,  I added the following code

                if (category.CategoryId = 5)
                    link.BackColor = "Beige";
                else if (category.CategoryId != 5)
                { phCategorie.Controls.Add(link);
                    link.BackColor = "Bisque";


protected void CreateChildMenu(List<Category> breadCrumb, int rootCategoryId, Category currentCategory, int level)
            int padding = level++ * 15;
            foreach (var category in CategoryManager.GetAllCategoriesByParentCategoryId(rootCategoryId))

                var link = new NopCommerceLi();
                if (category.CategoryId = 5)
                    link.BackColor = "Beige";
                else if (category.CategoryId != 5)
                { phCategorie.Controls.Add(link);
                    link.BackColor = "Bisque";

                string categoryURL = SEOHelper.GetCategoryUrl(category);
                if (currentCategory != null && currentCategory.CategoryId == category.CategoryId)
                    link.CssClass = "active";
                    link.CssClass = "inactive";
                link.HyperLink.NavigateUrl = categoryURL;
                link.HyperLink.Text = Server.HtmlEncode(category.LocalizedName);
                if (padding > 0)
                    link.LiLeftMargin = padding.ToString();

                for (int i = 0; i <= breadCrumb.Count - 1; i++)
                    if (breadCrumb[i].CategoryId == category.CategoryId)
                        CreateChildMenu(breadCrumb, category.CategoryId, currentCategory, level);

But for some reason the variable link.BackColor  never gets any other value then Null. And yes CategoryId 5 exists…

Any suggestions?

Many thanks in advance…

13 Jahre weitere
Try moving the link.BackColor = "Beige"; line above the phCategorieseven.Controls.Add(link);



link.BackColor = "Beige";


link.BackColor = "Beige";
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