PayPal Commerce Webhook Error

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2 Jahre weitere
I'm trying to use the new PayPal Commerce plugin, but when I try to Save it I get an error "Webhook was not created"
Has any one been able to get this working?
2 Jahre weitere
Could you please post the full error from the log? Also, ensure that your store is under SSL since PayPal doesn't accept unsecured sites.
2 Jahre weitere
Here is the error:

Log level
Short message
Payments.PayPalCommerce error:
{"name":"VALIDATION_ERROR","message":"Invalid data provided","debug_id":"a0560f819296b","information_link":"","details":[{"field":"url","location":"body","issue":"Not a valid webhook URL"}],"links":[]}
Full message
BraintreeHttp.HttpException: {"name":"VALIDATION_ERROR","message":"Invalid data provided","debug_id":"a0560f819296b","information_link":"","details":[{"field":"url","location":"body","issue":"Not a valid webhook URL"}],"links":[]}
   at BraintreeHttp.HttpClient.Execute[T](T req)
   at Nop.Plugin.Payments.PayPalCommerce.Services.ServiceManager.HandleCoreRequestAsync[TRequest,TResult](PayPalCommerceSettings settings, TRequest request)
   at Nop.Plugin.Payments.PayPalCommerce.Services.ServiceManager.<>c__DisplayClass35_0.<<CreateWebhookAsync>b__0>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
   at Nop.Plugin.Payments.PayPalCommerce.Services.ServiceManager.HandleFunctionAsync[TResult](Func`1 function)
IP address
Page URL
Referrer URL
Created on
7/22/2021 12:03:56 PM
2 Jahre weitere
Also, check the value of the Store URL field in Configuration -> Stores -> Your store so that it's with https scheme. Try to save the plugin again, if the problem persists, then you should contact PayPal support with provided debug_id (e.g. "a0560f819296b" in your previous error) so that they clarify what is wrong with your webhook URL.

FYI I just tested this on a demo site, webhook is created and the configuration is successfully saved.
2 Jahre weitere
I updated the Store URL to make it https and that allowed me to save the PayPal Commerce plugin.

Now when I try to use the PayPal Commerce at checkout I get the following message.

Payment error: The requested action could not be performed, semantically incorrect, or failed business validation: Payer has not yet approved the Order for payment. Please redirect the payer to the 'rel':'approve' url returned as part of the HATEOAS links within the Create Order call or provide a valid payment_source in the request


2 Jahre weitere
Which payment method did you use on checkout (PayPal wallet, bank account, etc)?
Are you using other third-party plugins or themes in the store? Something similar was discussed here, see if it helps.
2 Jahre weitere
Yes, I was using the One Page Checkout from Nop-Templates.  When I turned that off and used the standard checkout it started working.
Do you know if any of the other One Page Checkout plugins from other vendors will work with the PayPal Commerce?

Thanks for your help,

2 Jahre weitere
I have the identical issue, however mine doesn't even offer the payment method?  I do have Nop-templates plugins installed but I do not have one-page-checkout.  Any thoughts?
2 Jahre weitere
Short message
Payments.PayPalCommerce error:
{"name":"VALIDATION_ERROR","message":"Invalid data provided","debug_id":"5741e0600a40a","information_link":"","details":[{"field":"url","location":"body","issue":"Not a valid webhook URL"}],"links":[]}
Full message
BraintreeHttp.HttpException: {"name":"VALIDATION_ERROR","message":"Invalid data provided","debug_id":"5741e0600a40a","information_link":"","details":[{"field":"url","location":"body","issue":"Not a valid webhook URL"}],"links":[]}
   at BraintreeHttp.HttpClient.Execute[T](T req)
   at Nop.Plugin.Payments.PayPalCommerce.Services.ServiceManager.HandleCoreRequestAsync[TRequest,TResult](PayPalCommerceSettings settings, TRequest request)
   at Nop.Plugin.Payments.PayPalCommerce.Services.ServiceManager.<>c__DisplayClass35_0.<<CreateWebhookAsync>b__0>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
   at Nop.Plugin.Payments.PayPalCommerce.Services.ServiceManager.HandleFunctionAsync[TResult](Func`1 function)

* its is entered
2 Jahre weitere
I have a problem in Nopcommerce 4.5 with Paypal Commerce when you are trying to buy someting it is coming to payment step you are choosing paypal commerce and when you try to pay Debir or Credit Card , you are entering your card number , validation end date like 01/24 then CVV number like 567 then phone number and try to pay, its trying to load and stoping its not going to section stopping.

I looked to the paypal account everything is looking right. On log side there is no error log.

What we have to do.
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