Apply JAVASCRIP and STYLE code only for exact user Role? _AdminLayout.cshtml

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1 Jahr weitere

i want to apply javascript and style code but only for special user role Id in _AdminLayout.cshtml

but my code must be applied only for this user role id, not the admin. because admin usually has all roles.

how can i do it?

something like this

if user role id is 15 then { my code goes here }
1 Jahr weitere
Put this code on the top,
var customerRoleIds = await customerService.GetCustomerRoleIdsAsync(currentCustomer);
    var applyCustomScript = false;
        applyCustomScript = true;

and then depends on the variable applyCustomScript  field, add this code portion of html body
1 Jahr weitere
rmahbub63 wrote:
Put this code on the top,
var customerRoleIds = await customerService.GetCustomerRoleIdsAsync(currentCustomer);
    var applyCustomScript = false;
        applyCustomScript = true;

and then depends on the variable applyCustomScript  field, add this code portion of html body

thank you for your reply.
yes, that is what i really need, but my problem is that i need to apply my code only for this user, but not for the admin.
i want to apply my code only for Registered (id 3), but Administrator also has Registered role.
what can i do in this case?
1 Jahr weitere
arthur_shneider wrote:

yes, that is what i really need, but my problem is that i need to apply my code only for this user, but not for the admin.
i want to apply my code only for Registered (id 3), but Administrator also has Registered role.
what can i do in this case?

change logic part into this,
if (customerRoleIds.Contains(3) && !customerRoleIds.Contains(1))
            applyCustomScript = true;

it will be applicable for all customer who have role 3 and don't have role 1
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