Roxy Fileman - error 4.50.3

1 Jahr weitere
Yidna wrote:
Please share errors from the browser console or admin log (site.url/Admin/Log/List).

Error 404. The requested page (/Admin/RoxyFileman/ProcessRequest) was not found
Page URL:

Yes, it was changed in the 4.60 version (commit). Looks like you forgot to update js files. The ProcessRequest route is no longer used.
1 Jahr weitere
Thanks for your help - got it working now
Actually found one error - probably in your code as well
5 Monate weitere
currently experiencing the same issue and no error in the logs just console errors:

Uncaught TypeError: c.ListFiles is not a function
    at checkUploadResult (main.min.js:1:27701)
    at uploadFinished (main.min.js:1:27401)
    at uploadComplete (main.min.js:1:26568)
    at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (main.min.js:1:28122)

are there any solutions I can follow to resolve this?
5 Monate weitere
What version of nopCommerce ?
Have you incorporated the changes required from the Above commit ?