How to get session at PrepareProductOverviewModelsAsync

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1 Jahr weitere
I want to get a created Session in the above function but the usual:


does not work. So how can I do it ?

Also is this the best approach to pass values here using Sessions or there is something else built-in nopcommerce.
1 Jahr weitere
See an example of how it's done in
protected virtual IActionResult ErrorAuthentication(IEnumerable<string> errors, string returnUrl)
            var session = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext?.Session;

            if (session != null)
                var existsErrors = session.Get<IList<string>>(NopAuthenticationDefaults.ExternalAuthenticationErrorsSessionKey)?.ToList() ?? new List<string>();
1 Jahr weitere
The other question still remains is this the ONLY way to pass on variables or is there something built-in in nopcommerce.
1 Jahr weitere
Using Generic Attributes is the typical way it's done.  For example, see

public virtual async Task<IActionResult> SelectBillingAddress(...
await _genericAttributeService.SaveAttributeAsync<ShippingOption>(customer, NopCustomerDefaults.SelectedShippingOptionAttribute, null, store.Id);
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