USPS First Class

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13 Jahre weitere
I have been reading all the First Class posts on here but they are not making sense to me, or they are old.
So my item is .23 pounds. I have First Class and Parcel checked for USPS in my admin section.

When I check out the only option I get to choose for shipping is "Parcel" the First Class never shows up...

13 Jahre weitere
I'm in the same boat.  Would really like to be able to have the module calculate first class postage for items weighing less than a pound.  I can see in the USPSComputationMethod.cs code where it ties our hands but my C skills aren't strong enough rework the method.
13 Jahre weitere
For those affected by this issue you can find tracking for it in codeplex at  If you are affected please vote on it so that it will work its way up on the development priority list.  If you've got good coding skills (wish I did) the please....
13 Jahre weitere
Nop Team? No thoughts?
13 Jahre weitere
would be nice to have this fixed, because my packages could ship for $1.88 and not $6 :/
13 Jahre weitere
Okay, I've spent some time working with the USPS shipping module and have made a number of minor tweaks.  Before I get into them I need to point out that while I work for a software company, I am not a coder.  Thankfully many of the issues that I'm fighting (and as reported by many of you) were easy to work through.  

So, back to it.  Shipping can be much more complex than many people realize.  What size boxes can you ship?  How many items can you fit into a given box?  Do you ship from multiple locations?  What shipping options are there from a given shipper?  The USPS module is a very nice start and can do a decent job for basic shipping but needs a lot of optimizing to be good.  There are a number of hacks and shortcomings in the module such as in how package size is calculated and size overrides on international shipping.  To work on these requires more time than I have.  So I focused on the more pressing issues that I saw in the module.  To that end I've made the following corrections/enhancements:

     1) First Class shipping is available for packages up to 13 oz.
         NOTE: The first class package type is set to PARCEL.  If you have letters or envelopes you may want to edit it.
     2) Updated the shipping API calls to be V4 - Domestic and V2 - International Compliant
                * Added code to get cart subtotal.  International shipping requires declared value.  Max value is $400 so cart values over $400 are declared as $400.  You will need to change this if it impacts you.
     3) Updated dimension/weight conversion code to overcome a bug in the main nopCommerce code.  Bug report submitted.
     4) Updated the code to use pounds and ounces.  Not sure why the original developer set it to use pounds only.

To use this mod you will need to do the following:
  1) Make a backup copy of your ...\Shipping\USPSComputationMethod.cs file.
  2) Replace the contents of the file with the code below.
  3) Clean and rebuild the solution.
  4) Test, test, test.

Best of luck to you.

-=< See zip file in subsequent post.  Sorry, code was truncated (too long to paste). >=-
13 Jahre weitere

i'll try it out tomorrow
13 Jahre weitere
Sumo was kind enough to point out that my post got truncated.  The updated USPSComputationMethod.cs file can be found at:

Please be sure to make a backup of your current file before dropping in the new file and then test, test, and test some more.

Best to all.
13 Jahre weitere
Can't wait to see how this works for you guys...very interested in trying it out =)
13 Jahre weitere
Yeah me too. Im out of town this weekend. Won't be able try it until Monday!! I sure hope it works. Will cut my shipping by a lot
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