Customer IP is showing localhost under loadbalancer

10 Monate weitere
The application is running under a load balancer(aws) and the machines are Linux. Client IP is showing The nopCommerce version is 4.5.x. Can anyone please help me to figure out it?
10 Monate weitere
Because load balancers intercept traffic between clients and servers, your server access logs only contain the IP address of the load balancer.

The data you are looking for is in the "X-Forwarded-For" request header

Have you enabled the UseHttpXForwardedProto setting in the appsettings.json
10 Monate weitere
MikeEpprecht wrote:
Because load balancers intercept traffic between clients and servers, your server access logs only contain the IP address of the load balancer.

The data you are looking for is in the "X-Forwarded-For" request header

Have you enabled the UseHttpXForwardedProto setting in the appsettings.json

Thanks MikeEpprecht for your answer. Yes I enabled it and now it is showing a private IP like The http to https redirection from cloudflare.