Hide Base Price of Products/Pricing issues

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13 Jahre weitere
Hi all,

There is no base price for my products, So my pricing goes kinda like this:

Qty of 4=300
Qty of 6=450
Qty of 8=550

I have been using a product variant(qty) with 3 prices, and I am wondering how to hide the base price of the products if I want to set it to zero and only use the variant.

I checked out all the similar threads but can't find a solution. The closest I found is this thread: https://www.nopcommerce.com/boards/topic.aspx?topicid=3526 but it does not work in v1.9. What should I put and where should I put it? i also appreciate it if you have any other suggestions that would achieve my goals. Thanks!
13 Jahre weitere
GenieY brings up a critical flaw in nopCommerce that allows a user to add and purchase an item at no cost;  if one cannot hide the buy buttons on the product category screen when the product variants are manged by attributes.

Here is the problem:

If one has categories set up, but is managing products by attributes, when one chooses the category, the product variant will show up as 0 cost on the product category menu because it does not pick up the attribute costs.  If a customer chooses this product variant directly from the category menu, the program adds the product variant to the shopping cart for 0 cost; and the customer can place the order for the default quantity at 0 cost!  

The solution is that the add to cart button is disabled in the product category screen, if the variant is being managed by attributes, or that the program checks the attribute pricing before it adds the variant to cart.

I consider this a serious flaw that will cost businesses using nopCommerce money.  In fact it is such a serious accounting flaw that I those not using nopCommerce should probably consider using another shopping cart until it is corrected.   Anything that allows a customer to bypass and add products at 0 cost should not be considered for serious live e-commerce site.

This flaw needs to be fixed immediately.
13 Jahre weitere
chorse wrote:
GenieY brings up a critical flaw in nopCommerce that allows a user to add and purchase an item at no cost;  if one cannot hide the buy buttons on the product category screen when the product variants are manged by attributes.

Here is the problem:

If one has categories set up, but is managing products by attributes, when one chooses the category, the product variant will show up as 0 cost on the product category menu because it does not pick up the attribute costs.  If a customer chooses this product variant directly from the category menu, the program adds the product variant to the shopping cart for 0 cost; and the customer can place the order for the default quantity at 0 cost!  

The solution is that the add to cart button is disabled in the product category screen, if the variant is being managed by attributes, or that the program checks the attribute pricing before it adds the variant to cart.

I consider this a serious flaw that will cost businesses using nopCommerce money.  In fact it is such a serious accounting flaw that I those not using nopCommerce should probably consider using another shopping cart until it is corrected.   Anything that allows a customer to bypass and add products at 0 cost should not be considered for serious live e-commerce site.

This flaw needs to be fixed immediately.

It is NOT a flaw to let purchase items at cost of $0. I have a client who has a book store who, among others,  sells some e-books  at cost $0. Besides, it is good to have the option to hide the base price when it is 0 and then define the purchase price by the selected product attribute(s) as in the example of Community Sponsorships.
13 Jahre weitere
Thank you Eduardo, but that's not the problem.  

Of course you may have some zero cost or free items, but the problem with nopCommerce is that it allows one to bypass the attributes costs and allows a customer to purchase an item that is priced by the attributes, for nothing or at a reduced price.  This is a flaw in the program.  The problem occurs because the price of the product variant in the category screen of nopCommerce does not take in the price of the product variant attributes into account, so one can add the product to the basket at a zero or reduced cost (product variant price, minus the attributes price) and then purchase the item without taking any of the attribute costs into account. If one is managing the inventory by attributes then it is likely that the cost will be managed by the attributes price, and not the product or product variant price.   In this case we need to disable the add to cart button on the category screen, so the user has to go to the product details page, that shows the attributes and displays the proper product variant price with the attributes cost.  

To Duplicate:

1. Create a category
2. Create a couple products and their respective product variants (PV) with 0 cost
3. Manage inventory by PV attributes.
4. Create and add the attributes and assign the cost to the PV attribute e.g. create $100 in attributes
5. Add the products to the Category
6. From the Web site choose Category
7. The PV will show up in the category screen at zero cost
8. Choose add to cart. The product will be added to cart at 0 price and allow the purchase of that item at 0 cost, even though if one goes to the product page the cost of the item will reflect the price of the item with the attributes.
13 Jahre weitere
chorse wrote:
Thank you Eduardo, but that's not the problem.  

Of course you may have some zero cost or free items, but the problem with nopCommerce is that it allows one to bypass the attributes costs and allows a customer to purchase an item that is priced by the attributes, for nothing or at a reduced price.  This is a flaw in the program.  The problem occurs because the price of the product variant in the category screen of nopCommerce does not take in the price of the product variant attributes into account, so one can add the product to the basket at a zero or reduced cost (product variant price, minus the attributes price) and then purchase the item without taking any of the attribute costs into account. If one is managing the inventory by attributes then it is likely that the cost will be managed by the attributes price, and not the product or product variant price.   In this case we need to disable the add to cart button on the category screen, so the user has to go to the product details page, that shows the attributes and displays the proper product variant price with the attributes cost.  

To Duplicate:

1. Create a category
2. Create a couple products and their respective product variants (PV) with 0 cost
3. Manage inventory by PV attributes.
4. Create and add the attributes and assign the cost to the PV attribute e.g. create $100 in attributes
5. Add the products to the Category
6. From the Web site choose Category
7. The PV will show up in the category screen at zero cost
8. Choose add to cart. The product will be added to cart at 0 price and allow the purchase of that item at 0 cost, even though if one goes to the product page the cost of the item will reflect the price of the item with the attributes.

Hi chorse:
Now I understand what you meant. Nevertheless I made some tests (v 1.9) and could not get  the errror  you describe, because when in a category listing you click Add to Cart to a product that has attributes it always takes you to the details page:

1) In nop demo store I checked in Desktop Comuters (http://demo.nopcommerce.com/category/50-desktops.aspx) and if you push add to cart in Build your Own Computer (which has attributes) it takes you detail page whereas it adds it to cart in the case of HP Pavilion Elite M9150F Desktop PC (which has no product attributes). I did the same with Adidas shoes and other products in Shirts category  (http://demo.nopcommerce.com/category/44-shirts.aspx) with same results: it takes you to detail page when the product has attributes and adds to cart when it does not.

2) In a demo site in my servers which has the same catalog as nop demo store I got same results (always was sent to details page) with Adidas shoes when:
2.1) tried to add to carte
2.2) set a price for the 2 colour attributes ($100 and 50) and tried to add any to cart
2.3) then besides the price increases in (2.2) and set the base variant price to $0 and then tried to add to cart
13 Jahre weitere
Thanks again Eduardo,

Are the product and the product variant prices set to $0 price?   With the pricing only set in the product variant attribute values?

1.  Create a product: Hotel Madrid, Choose Variants in Grid; and PV: One Night Stay; manage inventory by product attribute;  set price to $0 on both the product and product variant.

2.  Create the following attributes:  7 July 2011;

3. Under PV add the 7 July 2011 attribute and choose checkbox control

4. Under the 7 July 2011 attribute select edit and add the following new values: Room Double, $125, pre-select; and Room Single, $100; no pre-selection.  If you want you can group the attributes.  

5. Create an Accommodation category and add the product to the category.

6. Turn on Dynamic Pricing from the global settings.  

The site should now display the stated behavior.  It is now possible to add 1 zero priced item to the cart from the category menu although the the price is reflected properly on the product details page.

I have a live e-commerce site and it is displaying this behavior.
13 Jahre weitere
chorse wrote:
Thanks again Eduardo,

Are the product and the product variant prices set to $0 price?   With the pricing only set in the product variant attribute values?

1.  Create a product: Hotel Madrid, Choose Variants in Grid; and PV: One Night Stay; manage inventory by product attribute;  set price to $0 on both the product and product variant.

2.  Create the following attributes:  7 July 2011;

3. Under PV add the 7 July 2011 attribute and choose checkbox control

4. Under the 7 July 2011 attribute select edit and add the following new values: Room Double, $125, pre-select; and Room Single, $100; no pre-selection.  If you want you can group the attributes.  

5. Create an Accommodation category and add the product to the category.

6. Turn on Dynamic Pricing from the global settings.  

The site should now display the stated behavior.  It is now possible to add 1 zero priced item to the cart from the category menu although the the price is reflected properly on the product details page.

I have a live e-commerce site and it is displaying this behavior.

Hi chorse:
Are the product and the product variant prices set to $0 price? Yes (btw. there is onely one price variant price; product price does not exist. When you create a product the price you set is assigned to the variant which is created automaticaly) With the pricing only set in the product variant attribute values? Yes

I did what you mentioned here (Hotel Madrid) and I am directed to detail page when when click  add to cart .
You can check this yourself in an url that I am PM-ing you. Check the Adidas example too in Shoes category (it is in Spanish: ropa y zapatos>zapatos). I used IE and  retried with Chrome and IPhone-Safary with same results.
13 Jahre weitere
I did what you mentioned here (Hotel Madrid) and I am directed to detail page when when click  add to cart .
You can check this yourself here . Check the Adidas example too in Shoes category (it is in Spanish: ropa y zapatos>zapatos). I used IE and  retried with Chrome and IPhone-Safary with same results
When I select the add to cart from the categories screen menu, my products go straight into the cart.  See my previous e-mail with screenshot links.  If it went to the product details like yours did that would be great.  Mine is working like your other categories such as the Libros category that have a price in them.   Is there a validation that supposed to take place in the code that checks for zero prices and sends it to the product detail page instead of the shopping cart?  Do you have an idea where this check is made?  I would save me a lot of time searching through all the dependencies to find the validation.  

Perhaps I have inadvertently allowed this through the global or all settings changes.  

If you have any idea's on how to suppress the add to cart button or make it go to the details page, I would sure appreciated it.  I do not need the add to cart button at all in the category page so it does not mater to me if it is suppressed globally on the category menu or by product.   I would argue the most elegant code would automatically suppress the add to cart button in the categories screen if the cost of an item is zero.    



Hi Richard:
I finaly could replicate your case =) You can check it in my test site with Hotel Madrid where now you can add the product from the category list.
To make it go to the detaliled page in the variant configuration in the Product Variant Attributes tab (then in its Attributes tab) make sure that  the "Is requiered" option is selected (active):

Is Required: SELECTED

Good luck !!!
13 Jahre weitere
Nice work,  Eduardo.  :)

Unfortunately that won't work in this case where there are multiple attributes on offer, but one is not sure which offer the customer needs.  E.g.:

Expand my previous example to include another attribute to Hotel Madrid called 8 July 2011, and add identical values to the PV attributes.  

Now the customer is offered a choice between 7 July 2011 and 8 July 2011 (Double or Single occupancy for each night).  One cannot mark the either of them as required because we do not know if the customer wants to stay the 7th or 8th of July, or both nights.  Perhaps I can create a new attribute that offers some kind of check requirement, agreement, or something just to force navigation to the details page.  It seems like an awkward thing to do because it would need to be included in each Product Variant which adds junk to the product details.      

I still think this is a bug in the program because it does not pick up the price from the product details page.  The program needs to check for pricing in the product variant and the attributes that are preselected.   The Devs need to consider a fix for this loophole in the next version.

Would you happen to know where the code logic is located for this check for the required on the attribute?   I am thinking it may be possible to just rewrite it to directly go to the details page whether the required on product attribute is checked or not.  I am also open to any other ideas or workarounds to the problem

Looks like we are in still in need of a solution, but at least we have a better understanding of the application.  You have really been helpful.
13 Jahre weitere
chorse wrote:
Nice work,  Eduardo.  :)

Unfortunately that won't work in this case where there are multiple attributes on offer, but one is not sure which offer the customer needs.  E.g.:

Expand my previous example to include another attribute to Hotel Madrid called 8 July 2011, and add identical values to the PV attributes.  

Now the customer is offered a choice between 7 July 2011 and 8 July 2011 (Double or Single occupancy for each night).  One cannot mark the either of them as required because we do not know if the customer wants to stay the 7th or 8th of July, or both nights.  Perhaps I can create a new attribute that offers some kind of check requirement, agreement, or something just to force navigation to the details page.  It seems like an awkward thing to do because it would need to be included in each Product Variant which adds junk to the product details.      

I still think this is a bug in the program because it does not pick up the price from the product details page.  The program needs to check for pricing in the product variant and the attributes that are preselected.   The Devs need to consider a fix for this loophole in the next version.

Would you happen to know where the code logic is located for this check for the required on the attribute?   I am thinking it may be possible to just rewrite it to directly go to the details page whether the required on product attribute is checked or not.  I am also open to any other ideas or workarounds to the problem

Looks like we are in still in need of a solution, but at least we have a better understanding of the application.  You have really been helpful.

Sorry I dont know anything about the coding.

Perhaps I can create a new attribute that offers some kind of check requirement, agreement, or something just to force navigation to the details page. I think this is the wisest thing to do witout getting into the code. Include the Attribute "Number of participants" (set is as Required) as in the example you have in your images. Th other is to change the Category templates to hide the add to cart buton.
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