Resource string (plugins.misc.mailchimp.fields.useecommerceapi) is not found. Language ID = 1

6 Monate weitere
Just installed the MailChimp plugin, and I noticed that I am receiving this error message in my log

I've checked the box to use MailChimp for e-commerce, but I can't find any more information on how this plugin works.

Anyone know how I can use this plugin for e-commerce data collection?

I am on nopcommerce 3.9
6 Monate weitere
This locale is created during the pluing installation. Please check here.

Try re-installing the plugin. Or manually insert this locale in admin area > configuration > languages > "edit" your language > locales
6 Monate weitere
a.m. wrote:
This locale is created during the pluing installation. Please check here.

Try re-installing the plugin. Or manually insert this locale in admin area > configuration > languages > "edit" your language > locales

Do you know if this plugin will allow me to connect my store to MailChimp's Ecommerce, allowing me to collect commerce data?