Landing pages for marketing campaigns (CTA and conversion)

4 Monate weitere
Hello, we have a website with nopcommerce through a vendor, we want to gain independence because we believe that there are many plug-ins that we can use and every time we ask for support, they charge us 8 times more for anything we ask. We need to have autonomy in marketing, not to mention cost efficiency.
Specifically, now we will need to install a plug in or similar that helps us create  LANDING PAGES every time we do an important adds campaign, or newsletter if needed. LANDING PAGES of different themes fornew product or services launches that we can use as CTA to increase traffic and, above all, conversion in our website.
Is there any plug in or development that allows you to have templates that are easy to use (without programming) so that the marketing team can create simple landing pages?
Thank you so much
4 Monate weitere
Hello again,
Really nobody has had this same problem?  how do you guys optimize conversion and marketing campaigns?

thanks so much!!!
3 Monate weitere
I'm not aware of a plugin for landing pages.
You can create Topics
After you create a topic and save it, you will see the URL for it under the text area. (The generated URL will typically be the title with "-" in place of spaces)