Product Ribbons

1 Monat weitere
Hello, can you please explain how product ribbons work?
I have one discount 5% for all categories.
I set up ribbon with the following settings: ${max-discount-percentage}, on conditions tab select
Product, discount percentage, not equal to 0.
The ribbon shows 21%, why and how?
What is the correct setup?
1 Monat weitere
Are you using the Ribbon theme from SevenSpikes(NopTemplate)? Posting your query on their forum page may be more helpful as they are better suited to help you on this.
1 Monat weitere
NopCommerce do not provide ribbon feature out of the box. You should be using any third party plugin to setup the ribbons so you can contact their support.

Best Regards,
1 Monat weitere
Yes I do use third party plugin.
I found the solution.
If somebody needs select in conditions these fields: Product-> Category-> Your category