Multiple Vendors / Stores - Step by Step Code

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12 Jahre weitere
what do u mean by adding account types?
12 Jahre weitere
I meant register users as seller, buyer etc
12 Jahre weitere
Please confirm if it is possible else I have to work on customization of my own shopping cart.

12 Jahre weitere
what i did is as follows:
u register a customer ->
set this customer as an admin. at this stage he has access to all admin options.

register a new store (u should do it)
and map the customer to the new store.

the customer will now have a storeId and will manage and see only the products that are belong to the store.
he will not be able to see other stores or be able to use the other admin options.

i did not do anything regarding orders and checkout. since the new NC 2.0 is about to be published i have deiced to atrt working on that.

i have all the files for download, get a fresh new copy of NC 1.9 copy the files and see if it works for u

again this is not a complete multiple store since the order and the checkout was not dealt
12 Jahre weitere
I did not manege to have step by step tutorial to work. Can you send me a working version, please.
Thank you in advance.
12 Jahre weitere
hezyz wrote:
sent u  pm with a complete working solution

I am also facing some issue with the downloaded zip, Do you have a solution file and database backup with one ZIP of all site files for this customisation.

Thanks in advance.
12 Jahre weitere
This is exactly what I have been looking for, thanx alot ;)

I will be tryimg to set this up later, looking forward for your 2.0 version.

I do have one question for ya though, if there are more then 1 vender, and someone buys from one of them, how do i make it so the vender gets 70% and I get 30%, and the buying only seeing one transaction on there end.  Thanx, I have been searching, that and what you have here, are the 2 things that I needed.

Thanx much for all this man, this is great.

12 Jahre weitere
i'm on summer holiday, I will upload a complete solution as soon as I'll get back also finished the 2.0 version however have some bugs needed to be fixed (back about 2 weeks).

for the last replay. 70% / 30%
U need to divide the amount and charge the credit card twice once 30% for u and 70% for the vendor, it can be done. however u need to write it and u need to send back to different receipts.

i was thinking on doing the same, but decided not to. what i do is charging the whole amount myself and then send the 70% to the vendor.
12 Jahre weitere
hezyz wrote:
i'm on summer holiday, I will upload a complete solution as soon as I'll get back also finished the 2.0 version however have some bugs needed to be fixed (back about 2 weeks).

for the last replay. 70% / 30%
U need to divide the amount and charge the credit card twice once 30% for u and 70% for the vendor, it can be done. however u need to write it and u need to send back to different receipts.

i was thinking on doing the same, but decided not to. what i do is charging the whole amount myself and then send the 70% to the vendor.

Thanks for your prompt reply. Hope you will post very soon and will move ahead my ship :)
12 Jahre weitere
hezyz, Thank you very much, I'm looking forward to your complete version of the multi store.
You are helping alot of people with this, so thanks!
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