How to pass and get the value correctly?

4 Wochen weitere
How to pass and get the value correctly?
@await Component.InvokeAsync(typeof(HeaderLinksViewComponent), new { val = 1})

value output in
    var p = this.ViewData.ContainsKey("val");}

I have @p outputting False. Why? What am I doing wrong?
4 Wochen weitere
gnikitsin wrote:

@await Component.InvokeAsync(typeof(HeaderLinksViewComponent), new { val = 1})

you can pass like this
  @await Component.InvokeAsync(typeof(WidgetViewComponent), new { widgetZone = PublicWidgetZones.ProductDetailsOverviewTop, additionalData = Model })

you can give null to the widgetzone name and additionalData = 1

Inside controller, you can set value like this
 ViewBag.RefreshPage = true;

and use like this at view page
@if (ViewBag.RefreshPage == true)

4 Wochen weitere
nopStation wrote:

@await Component.InvokeAsync(typeof(HeaderLinksViewComponent), new { val = 1})

you can pass like this
  @await Component.InvokeAsync(typeof(WidgetViewComponent), new { widgetZone = PublicWidgetZones.ProductDetailsOverviewTop, additionalData = Model })

you can give null to the widgetzone name and additionalData = 1

Inside controller, you can set value like this
 ViewBag.RefreshPage = true;

and use like this at view page
@if (ViewBag.RefreshPage == true)


Is there any way without using the controller source code? I just need to pass any value from one representation to another.
4 Wochen weitere
Just use ViewData directly:
ViewData["val"] = 1;
@await Component.InvokeAsync(typeof(HeaderLinksViewComponent))
4 Wochen weitere
New York wrote:
Just use ViewData directly:
ViewData["val"] = 1;
@await Component.InvokeAsync(typeof(HeaderLinksViewComponent))

In the introduction. _Header.cshtml
@await Component.InvokeAsync(typeof(HeaderLinksViewComponent))

I call it twice. The first time with the parameter "h-1", second with the parameter"h-2". In the introduction._Default.cshtml (HeaderLinks) I need to do something like this

    var p = this.ViewData["val"];
@if (p == "h-1")
   //code 1
@if (p == "h-2")
   //code 2

4 Wochen weitere
Yes, you can do that.  Do you have a question?