Devoloping Nopcommerce with Visual Studio 2010

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Il y a 12 ans
Hi, i have downloaded the Source version and opened the solution in VS 2010.

If i change something in the .aspx.cs file of some page, changes arent visible until i recompile the whole site.

Is there another way of doing this? could i configure the project to read the .aspx.cs changes instead the dll from bin?

it is a very slow process, if i have to do recompile whenever i change page code.

Il y a 12 ans
As I as I know, there is no way around that. Source code must be compiled to be executed. Only what you change in aspx files will be seen when refreshing your webpage.
Il y a 12 ans
As far as I know, there is no way around that. Source code must be compiled to be executed. Only what you change in aspx files will be seen when refreshing your webpage.
Il y a 12 ans
Thanks, what i cant understand is the reason why. It makes slower developing and making changes.

In other solutions i can modify .aspx.cs files and changes are made without compiling.

Can it be some configuration of the visual studio project or solution that i could change?
Il y a 12 ans
Now that you mention it, there is something called "Dynamic compilation" that only works with Web Site projects. Nop 1.9 is a Web Application project. Read more about it here.
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