Scheduled Tasks

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Il y a 14 ans
Hi nopCommerce Forum,

I am running the excellent e-commerce solution on a local Windows XP machine.

Everything appears to be working fine with the exception of the Scheduled Tasks, in particular, the Task which sends Queued Emails - SendQueuedMessagesTask.cs

What do I need to do to get this scheduled Task to work?  Is there something I need to do to initialise this facility?  Is there a setting I need to set?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Keep up the good work.

Kind Regards

Il y a 14 ans
Got it working now.

I had made changes to the Global.asax which prevented it from working.


Il y a 14 ans

What did you do to get them working?

Il y a 14 ans
Yeah what did you do? I'm having the same issue, wondering why more users don't have the same problem. BTW when you post a question to a forum and later on find the solution it would be "nice" to post the soluton and not only  "I found the problem go look for your own answer now". Share dude. Thanks in advance if share it.
Il y a 13 ans

What did you do to get them working?
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