Chase Paymentech Orbital Gateway development

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Il y a 12 ans
I am looking to develop a Chase Paymentech Orbital Gateway module. Of course I would return any code developed back to the OSS community here. Here's the rub, while I have worked with the Chase paymentech SOAP API for a large retailer and am familiar with the API, (and relatively familiar with the certification process), I am a complete neophite when it comes to NopCommerce. I have purchased the NopCommerce documentation and will be immersing myself with that this week, but I would appreciate any advice or common pitfalls to avoid by anyone who has developed on NopCommerce. Also, if anyone has the same need to implement a Chase Paymentech Orbital Gateway module, and would like to help...I would be more than great-full.
Il y a 12 ans
Hi Dmast.
I also need Chase Paymentech payment module. Do you have any luck on the development?
Il y a 12 ans
Hi, did you had a chance to get payment tech modules working and do you have it for v 2.4
Il y a 12 ans
ryakov12 wrote:
Hi, did you had a chance to get payment tech modules working and do you have it for v 2.4

is there anyone got the Chase Paymentech Orbital Gateway module working
im looking for someone that has done it, to do another project with additional 2 modules that i have the specs
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