Asking me to install again

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Il y a 12 ans
I ran the installation in DEBUG (VS 2010), followed all the UPGRADE instructions, reached the end and everything worked fine. I accessed the admin panel and started poking around. I could also see the site. That was yesterday.

Today I ran the site on DEBUG mode again and got the installation screen, again.

Any idea why?

I am hesitant to continue as it may damage my database. Please help.
Il y a 12 ans
Check your connections.config file to make sure the database connection string is in there.
Il y a 12 ans
Check your connections.config file to make sure the database connection string is in there.

Double-tapped the submit button? Ooops!
Il y a 12 ans
OK, so I decided to get off my lazy butt and debug this thing a little bit...

It turns out it's looking for a file called Settings.txt which is supposed to be in the App_Data folder.

Problem was the file wasn't there. I searched all over my machine and found the file in the source folder I had originally downloaded (as opposed to the source control copy), with my connection string and everything.

Did the file magically appear on a different folder? I think not...

I swear I ran the other copy of the code, I swear!....

OK, fine, I did have a couple of beers while installing this thing.... :-P

I ended up copying the Settings.txt file and an additional file (which I assume gets created upon installation called InstalledPlugins.txt). I ran THE RIGHT instance and it's all back to normal...

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