Data Model of Nopcommerce 2.0

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Il y a 12 ans
Hello Team-NopCommerce

I am using Nopcommerce 2.0,but  i have stuck on some issues..

I dont see any database model(.dbml) file in whole project.

Can somebody plz tell me,where is it..??

I have used Mvc2 before Mvc3 and i have no such idea about MVc3

Please help me as early as possibles
Il y a 12 ans
nopCommerce 2.00 uses entity framework code-first. There's no .dbml file. Please have a look at good tutorial here
Il y a 12 ans
faisal2484 wrote:
Hello Team-NopCommerce

I am using Nopcommerce 2.0,but  i have stuck on some issues..

I dont see any database model(.dbml) file in whole project.

Can somebody plz tell me,where is it..??

I have used Mvc2 before Mvc3 and i have no such idea about MVc3

Please help me as early as possibles

If you're looking for a diagram of tables and relationships you could use SQL server to generate the diagram for you (it might be easier then generating a class diagram).

If you're looking for information to start modifying the data model I just started blogging about my experiences with nopCommerce.

I'll have many more blogs to come.
Il y a 12 ans
Great! Good article!

BTW, you can create a new topic about it (with a link to the blog) and I'll make it sticky.
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