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Il y a 12 ans
I'm a newby and I'm trying installing:

- I dowloaded the software (without source code) and I uploaded it via FTP in the root of my website.
- I prepared the MSSQL db.
- I setted write permissions.
- I have'nt Visual Studio, so I writed directly

I see a "The page cannot be found" message :-(

Please help me!

Anto (Rome, Italy)
Il y a 12 ans
Hi Anto,

You don't need to point to the install folder you just need to enter the root url e.g.

Your web server / hosting must support ASP.NET MVC 3 on .NET Framework 4 to be able to run nopCommerce 2.0

Il y a 12 ans
Hi Mark! Tank you!

If I download the code in the root url ( ) I see:

Directory Listing Denied
This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed.

If I download the code in a sub-directory url ( ) I see the same message...

Some one can help me?
Tank you
Il y a 12 ans
Il y a 12 ans

I think your server is running IIS 6. Are you absolutely sure you have support on your server for ASP.NET MVC 3 and the Microsoft .NET Framework version 4?

I'm fairly confident that this is your problem.

Il y a 12 ans

I have an hosting on Italian provider Aruba + a MSSQL Server db.

At I see that this lenguages are supported:

- Supp. Microsoft .NET Framework       
- Supp. Visual Studio .NET       
- PHP 5       
- PERL 5.6.1 o superiore       
- ASP.NET 3.5/4.0       
- ASP 3.0       
- ADO .NET       
- XML 4       
- WAP       
- GDlib       
- Imagemagick

Do you think is good?
Tank you,
Il y a 12 ans

Think you need to check with them that the server your site is running on really does support both .NET 4 AND MVC 3.

It does look as if your server is running IIS 6 and so may not have all the latest Micrsoft components and services installed on it. You need to ask them.

Il y a 12 ans
I also think that you're running IIS 6. Find more info about setting up nopCommerce 2.X on IIS6 here (look at 'IIS6 Extension-less URLs' section)
Il y a 12 ans
I sent a msg to Aruba! Tank to everybody,
Il y a 12 ans
I received the answer from Italian provider

- NopCommerce 2.0 is not supported.
- Old version 1.60 is good.

I registred a new domain on

Tank you,

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