Which version should I install, v1.9 or v2.0 ??

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Il y a 12 ans
I am a newbie to Nopcommerce and am wondering which version to install.  I have an old Storefront.net site that is terribly outdated.

Any opinions would be greatly appreciated.

Il y a 12 ans
rackreleasesystems wrote:
I am a newbie to Nopcommerce and am wondering which version to install.  I have an old Storefront.net site that is terribly outdated.

Any opinions would be greatly appreciated.


If there are no restrictions then you should probably use the latest release. This will deliver better results overall (e.g. easier upgrades when 2.1 is released at the end of September or subsequent releases). There appears to be more active discussions surrounding 2.0 these days (support might be better).

Things to consider when deciding:
* You might want to check what version your hosting service will support. Do they support MVC3?
* Will you be writing code or just installing and possibly adding plugins?
Il y a 12 ans
Thanks for the reply and for the advice.

I will likely just install and add plugins as needed.

And thanks for the reminder to check with my host about MVC3.  They do host nopcommerce sites but I will need to check about MVC3.

Il y a 12 ans
I have installed v1.9 and v2.0 on godaddy host.godaddy can support IIS7.0 and mvc3.0,mysql or mssql.v1.9 can run very well on godaddy.but v2.0 often Encountered  errors,after a while,It's ok.
Il y a 12 ans
I received a reply from my host last night and they do support v2.0 and MVC3.0.

Il y a 12 ans
Also, if you have a host provider that doesn't have MVC3 installed, you can always deploy the MVC3 .dll's with your app in the bin.
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