Product Image in Downloadable Products

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Il y a 12 ans
Hello Friends

Can someone please tell me how I can get the product image to show inside the Downloadable Products Page :(

I know the model needs changing, and I have changed it to the following:

namespace Nop.Web.Models.Customer
    public class CustomerDownloadableProductsModel : BaseNopModel
        public CustomerDownloadableProductsModel()
            Items = new List<DownloadableProductsModel>();

        public IList<DownloadableProductsModel> Items { get; set; }
        public CustomerNavigationModel NavigationModel { get; set; }

        #region Nested classes
        public class DownloadableProductsModel : BaseNopModel
            public DownloadableProductsModel()
                DefaultPictureModel = new PictureModel();
            public Guid OrderProductVariantGuid { get; set; }

            public int OrderId { get; set; }

            public int ProductId { get; set; }
            public string ProductName { get; set; }
            public string ProductSeName { get; set; }
            public PictureModel DefaultPictureModel { get; set; }
            public string ProductAttributes { get; set; }

            public int DownloadId { get; set; }
            public int LicenseId { get; set; }

            public DateTime CreatedOn { get; set; }

    public class UserAgreementModel : BaseNopModel
        public Guid OrderProductVariantGuid { get; set; }
        public string UserAgreementText { get; set; }

As you can see, I have added the PictureModel in there, hoping that I would be able to extract the product image for each product, but in Razor view, it returns blank, instead of the product image URL ! What am I doing wrong ?

Would greatly appreciate any help.

Thank You.
Il y a 12 ans
anyone ?
Il y a 12 ans
Ciwan wrote:
anyone ?

First thing I would check is if you correctly mapped the product image model inside of the controller (just adding members on a view model won't automatically map the domain members).

You're going to need to add code inside of your controller that looks similar to the code I provided below. I took this code from ShoppingCartController at approximately line 344.

if (_shoppingCartSettings.ShowProductImagesOnShoppingCart)
    var picture = _pictureService.GetPictureById(sci.ProductVariant.PictureId);
    if (picture == null)
        picture = _pictureService.GetPicturesByProductId(sci.ProductVariant.Product.Id, 1).FirstOrDefault();
    cartItemModel.Picture = new PictureModel() // This is the section you need.
      ImageUrl = _pictureService.GetPictureUrl(picture, _mediaSetting.CartThumbPictureSize, true),
      Title = string.Format(_localizationService.GetResource("Media.Product.ImageLinkTitleFormat"), cartItemModel.ProductName),
      AlternateText = string.Format(_localizationService.GetResource("Media.Product.ImageAlternateTextFormat"), cartItemModel.ProductName),


edit Don't forget to add IPictureService to the controller constructor if it doesn't already exist.
Il y a 12 ans
Thanks Sky. You're an awesome help in this community. :)
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