Product Tier Price

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Il y a 12 ans
What is Product Tier Price???
Il y a 12 ans
"Tier Pricing is a promotional tool that allows a store owner to price items differently for higher quantities. This is an effective way to move more merchandise and appeal to customers who buy more than one product at a time. When a customer adds a certain quantity of a product to their cart, the price is automatically changed to reflect the discount." (from the user guide)
Il y a 12 ans
I have a single product with different attributes (i.e. color), but my tier pricing setting does not work across different attributes. Can this be easily fixed?

It's the same product/product version/sku with the only difference being the color attribute.

I want to offer tier pricing across all attributes for this one product.

Please let me know.
Il y a 12 ans
I have a single product with different attributes (i.e. color), but my tier pricing setting does not work across different attributes. Can this be easily fixed?

It's the same product/product version/sku with the only difference being the color attribute.

I want to offer tier pricing across all attributes for this one product.

Please let me know.

This is not available out of the box
Il y a 12 ans
I have just installed nopCommerce. In my webshop on the product page I want each product to be shown without shopping cart button and the product attributes to be shown on product page. Please do needfull
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