Getting an item on the CacheManager - requires a function param ??

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Il y a 12 ans
I'm trying to GET an item on the CacheManager and it seems that the last parameter expects to be a function to be called to load the data ...but I don't really need that.

To ADD an entry on the _CacheManager ..i use
>> _cacheManager.Set("EWSRates", _list, 5000);

To GET an entry from the _CacheManager ...
>> _cacheManager.Get("EWSRates", () => { return FUNCTION XXX; })

How can I get an object out of the CacheManager ..without having to pass a function??
Il y a 12 ans
if (cacheManager.IsSet("EWSRates"))
    var result = cacheManager.Get<int>("EWSRates");
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