
I implemented a webservice to integrate nopCommerce orders to my ERP.
It is working as desired, but I have a doubt related to the way nopCommerce is structured.

Well, in fact, when an order is completed, and if the customer chooses to get its product "in store" I use this webservice to send the order information to my central server, so I can use it integrated with my POSs.

To do so I changed CheckoutConfirm.ascx.cs to call my WS after the customer confirmation. I added a reference to my new project ("using Interessante.Integracao.Webservices.Client;") and access it is instantiating my new class like the following:

            wsOrderMethods oOrder = new wsOrderMethods();
            string interfaceOrder = oOrder.NewStoreOrder(order.OrderId);
            oOrder = null;

But I expected to receive an intellisense showing "Integracao" if I typed the first level of my namespace Interessante, but it doesn´t happens.

Does anybody knows what I am missing?
