Only credit cards listed

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Il y a 12 ans
Hi all. I've installed nopCommerce 1.60 and configured everything. I have problems with payment method.
Everything's fine with credit cards methods and paypal, but if I select other methods (like check or Cash On Delivery) they aren't listed in the payment form in the frontend.
How is it possibile? Is it a bug?

I've tried to create a new method: if I use the paypal class, it is listed in the frontend, if I use other classes not.
Il y a 12 ans
Please help me.. I don't what to do, and whom ask it.
No payment methods but credit card displayed
Il y a 12 ans

As long as you have each payment method you want to be displayed set to 'active' in the configuration section for each one then it should show.

To be honest with you, version 1.60 is pretty old now, you would be better to use anything from 2.1 up. One thing to be aware of though is that from version 2 and up the whole way NopCommerce works is significantly different. I've been using 1.90 and it's not too bad, but I would recommend moving straight to the newer versions to make it easier for you.

Hope this helps
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