Version 1.9 Generates Lots of Errors after Upgrading Adding MVC 3 Extensions

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Il y a 12 ans

I had not worked on my website locally for a while. Everything was perfect, Then I added the MVC 2 and 3 extensions in preparation to upgrade to 2.xx

Now when I open my 1.9 solution I get tons of errors, and when I try to run the last good compilation it's even worse.

It seems to be isolated to the Header.

Visual Studio tells me "GetLocaleResourceString does not exist in the current context"  Are you missing an assembly reference?

When  I attempt to run the last good compilation, it fails and tells me
Line 84: <Add NameSpace= "NopSolutions.NopCommerce.BusinessLogic.Profile/>  does not exist in the namespace NopSolutions.NopCommerce(Are you missing an Assembly Reference?)

Can someone Please help me same all the work I've put into my local copy?

Thanks in advance

Robert Lobaina
Il y a 12 ans
rober4t wrote:

I had not worked on my website locally for a while. Everything was perfect, Then I added the MVC 2 and 3 extensions in preparation to upgrade to 2.xx

Now when I open my 1.9 solution I get tons of errors, and when I try to run the last good compilation it's even worse.

It seems to be isolated to the Header.

Visual Studio tells me "GetLocaleResourceString does not exist in the current context"  Are you missing an assembly reference?

When  I attempt to run the last good compilation, it fails and tells me
Line 84: <Add NameSpace= "NopSolutions.NopCommerce.BusinessLogic.Profile/>  does not exist in the namespace NopSolutions.NopCommerce(Are you missing an Assembly Reference?)

Can someone Please help me same all the work I've put into my local copy?

Thanks in advance

Robert Lobaina

Hi Robert,

I don't think adding MVC2 and 3 extensions will benefit you when upgrading nopCommerce. To upgrade you will probably need to rewrite the code you wrote previously in the appropriate classes that come with nopCommerce 2.x. ASP.NET Web Forms and ASP.NET MVC are two very different patterns for building a website and unfortunately much of the "page" code cannot be reused without modification. I would revert your changes to get your website back to working order.

Download the source version of nopCommerce 2.x and start converting styles and functionality from your old system to the new one. Once you've got a solid development environment run the upgrade scripts against your live database (2.1 and 2.2 upgrade scripts) and deploy your new nopCommerce 2.x website.
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