(2.2) Australia Post Shipping Rate Computation - change delivery date value

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Il y a 12 ans

The Australia Post module works great, thanks for the feature.

I can see how to 'add' additional postage charges but is there a way to 'add' additional days to the displayed delivery date?
My time to ship the product may be longer than what is displayed to the customer.

Many thanks...
Il y a 12 ans
1. Open \src\Plugins\Nop.Plugin.Shipping.AustraliaPost\AustraliaPostComputationMethod.cs file
2. Find and replace the following line
shippingOption.Description = String.Format("{0} Days", rspParams["days"]);

shippingOption.Description = String.Format("{0} Days", Convert.ToInt32(rspParams["days"]) + 3);

(3 here is 3 days)
3. Recompile the solution
P.S. You need source code version.
Il y a 12 ans
Thank you very much Andrei for the quick and accurate answer !!
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