Can't Login at All

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Il y a 12 ans
I can't seem to login to my nop commerce store. I know my database is connected and working because my products do show up and I know I do have the correct user name and password because I can login on my local machine but I have yet to be able to login to my nop store on the server.
When I try to log in I can enter my username/email and password but when I hit the login page all that happens is the page is refreshed.
When I click the login button with the wrong info in the username/password box the page again just refreshes instad of giving me the error you would normally get(something about invalid credentials).
If I try to register a new user I get the same problem, the page just refreshes and if I check my database to see if the user is created I can see that it did not create the user.

I am using nop 2.30 and version 4.0
The only thing that I may be doing differently then most is that on my production server I have nop commerce in a sub folder, but again this doesn't cause any problems when I test it locally.

Does anybody have any idea at a solution to this problem?
Il y a 12 ans
Have you tried

Various different browsers?
Clearing cookies, temp files etc.?
checking to see if any other buttons on the site work e.g. subscribe to newsletter?
Restarting the application

If the site is public, post the link and I'll take a look.

Darren Pegram
Il y a 12 ans
I have tried firefox and safari but both do the same thing.
I cleared cookies and temp files but it didn't make a difference.
Just tried subscribe to newsletter and it doesn't work.
Sent you an email with the link.
Il y a 12 ans

That link doesn't work at all for me.

Had another thought. How are you transfering to the server? Are you running deploy.bat and then using ftp to transfer the deployable folder to the server?

Darren Pegram
Il y a 12 ans
I am using ftp to transfer it to the server. Not sure about that deploy.bat, I am using the no source code version.
Il y a 12 ans
I'm having the same issue with my recent installation, although only in Internet Explorer.

In troubleshooting the issue, we discovered that Microsoft knows about the issue; it has to do with extensionless URLs, a technology used copiously within NopCommerce.

The question now is this: How do we get it to work? Not being able to login using IE is a *huge* problem.
Il y a 12 ans
Having Login issues too.

I am using version 2.30

I enter username and password it logs me in.

When I try to click on any link it logs me out.

Log back in and I am at the link that I clicked that logged me out.
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