Urgent Help: Amazon Simple Pay - plugin needed

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Il y a 12 ans

We need to integrate Amazon Simple Pay but I dont see the plug-in the version 2.30. Can someone help me please? Once I get the plug-in, I should be able to install and use. I guess, NopCommerce team removed it in last couple of versions :-('

Il y a 12 ans
Can somebody respond please??
Il y a 12 ans
Hi i am also after the same requirement.
Any help / assitance / guidance please
Il y a 12 ans
I will look into developing it. Give me a few days
Il y a 11 ans
I need Help on same...

Please help me.


Il y a 11 ans
We have a working plugin for Amazon simple pay here
Il y a 11 ans
It's not free ??

Il y a 11 ans

Try this.
Il y a 11 ans
it's same link.

I need for free..
Il y a 11 ans
https://www.nopcommerce.com/p/500/amazon-simple-pay.aspx - download link not working.. should be removed from extension.
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