How to Open Closed Store?

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Il y a 12 ans

Relatively new at this so please bear with me.

I developed a site sometime ago and loaded it to Arvixe. I then disabled the site but now can't figure out how to re-activate it.

I'm not sure which version of NopCommerce I'm using or how I check that but I think it's version 1.80

Each time I try to access it, I get the following message

Line 22:       <error statusCode="404" redirect="filenotfound.htm" />
Line 23:     </customErrors>
Line 24:     <compilation debug="false" targetFramework="4.0">
Line 25:       <expressionBuilders>
Line 26:         <add expressionPrefix="NopResources" type="NopSolutions.NopCommerce.BusinessLogic.Localization.NopResourceExpressionBuilder, Nop.BusinessLogic" />

I can access the files from the server, but can't see where to change the setting. I have searched the web and these forums but no luck on finding anything. I didn't keep a local copy.

Anyone now how to fix?


I have changed the extension on the server ASP.NET to 4.0 Integrated and also changed IIS to Net 4.0 integrated and when I enter my URL to my browser I am now getting the "Store closed" message as expected but still I can't work out how to re-activate the site?

When I input I still get the "Store closed" message. Presumably I have to ftp and open the files from the server and change a setting - but where?
Il y a 12 ans
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