Adding tables to the Entity

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Il y a 12 ans
Hi Guys

I am currently building on top of the Multi Store kindly provided by Hezy in 2.4 and want to add two new sections, a Directory and an Events section which is basically the same as the news section with a details page, but not quite sure where to start, would it best just to copy the news setup and just rename everything to reflect the new table ie Events etc, or is there an easier way, any help or suggestions would be most appriciated.

I would be more than happy to pass on this information once completed to help others with similar projects.

Kind Regards
Il y a 12 ans
Start here:

After the plugin part it gets into creating new entities.
Il y a 12 ans
is it possible to add a field to existing table, specifically for v1.9?

I searched everywhere, can only find how to do it for v1.8.

it is possible to create a new table, ans use  FK to connect the new table with the existing table. but, it can not be so difficult to add a new field to the existing table, right?

but it seems nobody knows the answer, or, everyone knows, except me, :)

Il y a 12 ans
Thanks Andy

I have followed the example and have gone as far as I can get, as I now have an issue with ObjectContext class
it keeps erroring out as follows:

Using the generic type 'System.Data.Entity.IDbSet<TEntity>' requires 1 type arguments.

public new IDbSet Set<TEntity>() where TEntity : BaseEntity
            return base.Set();

I have followed example to the letter, and have no other errors except for this one.

I am hoping someone can help me clear this one up, so I can try and install the plugin.

Kind Regards
Il y a 12 ans
Can you post your code?  Starting with the Core and Data classes.
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