Showing Retail and Dealer Price

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Il y a 12 ans
Hi guys

I'm setting up my shop to have 3 customer roles, RETAIL, RESELLER AND GOLD PARTNER.

I'm using the "Tiered Pricing" setting for products to assign different pricing to different customer groups.  

Anyone can see Retail price, but only authenticated resellers and gold partners can see their own respective pricing.  How can I also show resellers and gold partners the retail price.

For instance:
$40 (retail price)
$35 (your price)

If they add to cart, obviously it must be their price that gets added to cart, I just want to show the retail price for them as a guideline next to their price.  Is this super complicated to do?
Il y a 12 ans
You would need to modify the ProductPriceModel to add in a field for RetailPrice and then display it in _ProductPrice.cshtml

Then fill it in PrepareProductPriceModel in the CatalogController
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