Refunds with

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Il y a 12 ans
A client is switching from one payment gateway to  He has two requests

I noticed that the plugin does not support refunds.  but their API seems to support it.  Where is the limitation in supporting it in nopComm, and is this on the development radar?

The second questions is more general(and shows my lack of understanding)... Can a payment be authorized via the web, and then exported to be captured by a physical in store terminal?


Il y a 12 ans
Someone just needs to implement it.  My understanding, though, is that plugin development is now being left to the community.  However, I would hope nopC team would put in the proper "hooks" (interface, etc), so that such a plugin method could be called from the Admin Order page.  (Similar to what was recently done in 2.5 changeset for Shipping Tracking :)

There is a "Transaction mode:" in the Configure page - Authorize, or Authorize and Capture
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