Hi Everyone,

I was wondering what the easiest way would be to get (or insert) all localized Categories with the id of the Category and the languageId in nopcommerce v 2.4. In previous version (1.9) that was quite easy. I'm working on an external administration project, and i'm quite new on MVC programming.

nopcommerce v1.9

    public CategoryLocalized GetCategoryLocalizedByCategoryIdAndLanguageId(int categoryId, int languageId)
            if (categoryId == 0 || languageId == 0)
                return null;

            var query = from cl in _context.CategoryLocalized
                        orderby cl.CategoryLocalizedId
                        where cl.CategoryId == categoryId &&
                        cl.LanguageId == languageId
                        select cl;
            var categoryLocalized = query.FirstOrDefault();
            return categoryLocalized;

kind regards