Problem with Gift Card

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Il y a 12 ans
When I try to add a new gift card it will display fine but when I try to purchase the card and I get to the section where I fill in the name, e-mail address etc. I get the following

enter valid recipient name, enter valid recipient email, enter valid sender name, enter valid sender e-mail

The default cards work just fine.

I tried to copy a card and use that and I got the same error...

Any suggestions?
Il y a 12 ans
What version are you using? There was an issue in the previous version (fixed in 2.50). Gift cards didn't work with a “Single product variant” product template in case if a product identifier was different to a product variant identifier.
Il y a 12 ans
I am using 2.5. Also when all I did was copy one of the sample gift cards and changed nothing I am getting the same error.
Il y a 12 ans
Just tested. Everything works fine. Are you using any custom themes? Have you modified the source code (views)?
Il y a 12 ans
Custom theme is yes. Shop all theme. Modify source code no
Il y a 12 ans
Please post the following file of your custom theme here: \Themes\YourThemeName\Views\Catalog\ProductTemplate.SingleVariant.cshtml
Il y a 12 ans
Sorry but I do not see the file...
Il y a 12 ans
Never mind. I realize you mean for me to copy the file from the site to the forum.  I read it the other way.

Here is the code.

@model ProductModel
@using Nop.Core;
@using Nop.Core.Domain.Common;
@using Nop.Core.Infrastructure;
@using Nop.Web;
@using Nop.Web.Framework.UI;
@using Nop.Web.Models.Catalog;
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_ColumnsTwo.cshtml";

    //title, meta
    Html.AddTitleParts(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.MetaTitle) ? Model.MetaTitle : Model.Name);

    var canonicalUrlsEnabled = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<SeoSettings>().CanonicalUrlsEnabled;
    if (canonicalUrlsEnabled)
        var productUrl = Url.RouteUrl("Product", new { productId = Model.Id, SeName = Model.SeName }, this.Request.Url.Scheme);
    var defaultProductVariant = Model.ProductVariantModels.Count > 0 ? Model.ProductVariantModels[0] : null;

    var errors = new List<string>();
    foreach (var modelState in ViewData.ModelState.Values)
        foreach (var error in modelState.Errors)
@if (errors.Count > 0)
    var addToCartWarningsSb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
    for (int i = 0; i < errors.Count; i++)
        if (i != errors.Count - 1)

    //display errors  
    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function () {

    var shopAllThemeSettings = ViewBag.ShopAllThemeSettings;

<script type="text/javascript">

    $(document).ready(function () {

        $("#addProductToWishListLink").click(function () {

            var submitButton = $("<input name='addtowishlist-@(defaultProductVariant.Id)' />");



<!--product breadcrumb-->

@section ProductBreadCrumb
    @Html.Action("ProductBreadcrumb", "Catalog", new { productId = Model.Id })
<div class="clear">
<div class="product-details-page">
    @*we add enctype = "multipart/form-data" because "File upload" attribute control type requries it*@
    @using (Html.BeginRouteForm("Product", new { productId = Model.Id, SeName = Model.SeName }, FormMethod.Post, new { enctype = "multipart/form-data" }))
        <div class="product-essential">
            <div class="product-details-info">
                <!--product pictures-->
                @Html.Partial("_ProductDetailsPictures", Model)
                <div class="overview">
                    <h1 class="productname">
                    <div class="shortdescription">
                    <div class="clear">
                        var dataDictPrice = new ViewDataDictionary();
                        dataDictPrice.TemplateInfo.HtmlFieldPrefix = string.Format("price_{0}", defaultProductVariant.Id);
                                                        @Html.Partial("_ProductVariantPrice", defaultProductVariant.ProductVariantPrice, dataDictPrice)

                        MvcHtmlString productVariantSkuManStock = Html.Partial("_ProductVariant_SKU_Man_Stock", defaultProductVariant);
                        MvcHtmlString productVariantBackInStockSubscription = Html.Partial("_ProductVariantBackInStockSubscription", defaultProductVariant);
                        MvcHtmlString productManufacturers = Html.Action("ProductManufacturers", "Catalog", new { productId = Model.Id });

                        MvcHtmlString productReviewOverview = MvcHtmlString.Empty;
                        if(shopAllThemeSettings == null || !shopAllThemeSettings.ShopAllThemePluginsSettings.IntegrateNopQuickTabs)
                            productReviewOverview = Html.Action("ProductReviewOverview", "Catalog", new { productId = Model.Id });
                        MvcHtmlString downloadSample = Html.Partial("_DownloadSample", defaultProductVariant);

                    <div class="details">
                            @if (!MvcHtmlString.IsNullOrEmpty(productVariantSkuManStock))
                                    <!--product SKU, manufacturer part number, stock info-->
                            @if (!MvcHtmlString.IsNullOrEmpty(productVariantBackInStockSubscription))
                                    <!--Back in stock subscription-->
                            @if (!MvcHtmlString.IsNullOrEmpty(productManufacturers))
                                    <!--product manufactures-->
                            @if (!MvcHtmlString.IsNullOrEmpty(productReviewOverview))
                                    <!--product reviews-->
                            @if (!MvcHtmlString.IsNullOrEmpty(downloadSample))
                                    <!--sample download-->
                            @if (!defaultProductVariant.AddToCart.DisableWishlistButton)
                                    @*<input type="submit" name="addtowishlist-@(defaultProductVariant.Id)" class="productVariantAddToWishlistLink" value="@T("ShoppingCart.AddToWishlist")" />*@
                                    <a id="addProductToWishListLink">@T("ShoppingCart.AddToWishlist")</a>
                                <a onclick="setLocation('@Url.RouteUrl("ProductEmailAFriend", new { productId = Model.Id })')">@T("Products.EmailAFriend")</a>
                                <a onclick="setLocation('@Url.RouteUrl("AddProductToCompare", new { productId = Model.Id })')">@T("Products.Compare.AddToCompareList")</a>
                    <div class="add-to-cart">
                            var dataDictAddToCart = new ViewDataDictionary();
                            dataDictAddToCart.TemplateInfo.HtmlFieldPrefix = string.Format("addtocart_{0}", defaultProductVariant.Id);
                            dataDictPrice.Add("ShopAllThemeSettings", ViewBag.ShopAllThemeSettings);
                            @Html.Partial("_ProductVariantAddToCart", defaultProductVariant.AddToCart, dataDictPrice)                    

                        @Html.Action("ShareButton", "Catalog")

                    <div class="clear">
                    @if (errors.Count > 0)
                        //display errors  
                        <span class="message-error">
                            @for (int i = 0; i < errors.Count; i++)
                                if (i != errors.Count - 1)
                                    <br />
                        <div class="clear">

                        var dataDictAttributes = new ViewDataDictionary();
                        dataDictAttributes.TemplateInfo.HtmlFieldPrefix = string.Format("attributes_{0}", defaultProductVariant.Id);
                        @Html.Partial("_ProductAttributes", defaultProductVariant.ProductVariantAttributes, dataDictAttributes)                  
                    <div class="clear">
                        var dataDictGiftCard = new ViewDataDictionary();
                    dataDictGiftCard.TemplateInfo.HtmlFieldPrefix = string.Format("giftcard_{0}", defaultProductVariant.Id);
                        @Html.Partial("_GiftCardInfo", defaultProductVariant.GiftCard, dataDictGiftCard)


                @if (shopAllThemeSettings == null || !shopAllThemeSettings.ShopAllThemePluginsSettings.IntegrateNopQuickTabs)
                    <div class="fulldescription">
        <div class="clear">
        if (shopAllThemeSettings == null || shopAllThemeSettings.ShopAllThemePluginsSettings.IntegrateNopQuickTabs)
            @Html.Action("ProductTabs", "ProductTab")
            <div class="product-collateral">
                <div class="product-variant-line">
                    <!--product tier prices-->
                    @Html.Action("ProductTierPrices", "Catalog", new { productVariantId = defaultProductVariant.Id })
                    @Html.Action("ProductSpecifications", "Catalog", new { productId = Model.Id })
                <div class="clear">
                    @Html.Action("ProductTags", "Catalog", new { productId = Model.Id })
                <div class="clear">
                    @Html.Action("ProductsAlsoPurchased", "Catalog", new { productId = Model.Id })
                <div class="clear">
                    @Html.Action("RelatedProducts", "Catalog", new { productId = Model.Id })
Il y a 12 ans
Hmmm... the file looks OK. I presume that you (or theme author) made some breaking changes in the source code or views. It's hard to say where the issue is without debugging.
Il y a 12 ans
Interesting thing is sample cards work fine. If I copy a card it breahs regardless of grid or single product
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