Shipping By Weight?

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Il y a 12 ans
When I try to install the module ShippingByWeight i get this error message "There is already an object named 'ShippingByWeight' in the database. " What can I do?
Il y a 12 ans
Connect to your database (using SSMS) and delete the existing [ShippingByWeight] table. Then try reinstalling the plugin
Il y a 12 ans
Worked great, thanks :)
Il y a 7 ans
Just had this same problem after upgrading from v3.8 to v3.9

Can confirm however that the same fix (delete 'ShippingByWeight' table from db) still works.
Il y a 7 ans
See what I wrote here.
Yes, you can delete the table and re-install, but then you lose your previous configuration.  Instead, just modify the InstalledPlugins.txt file.
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