Displayihng products from sub categories

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Il y a 12 ans

I notice from the release notes for 2.50 that there is now the ability to show products from sub categories when on a category page.

I'm using 2.40 and don't have the time at the moment to do the full upgrade. Would it be possible for anyone to point me to the code in 2.50 that provides this new functionality so I can merge just that into 2.40?

Thanks in advance
Il y a 12 ans
See changeset 9dcb32dc04f6 but it depends on some other changesets which extended product loading functionality.
Il y a 12 ans
Hi Andrei,

Thanks for your response. Are you saying I can't simply merge the changes from that changeset then? Any idea which other changes/changesets I would need?

Thanks again
Il y a 12 ans
Right. This one depends on several other changesets. It's quite hard to find all of them. I would suggest you merging this one into your source code and then fix all compilation warnings (related to the new IProductService.SearchProducts method signature).
P.S. Do not forget to get the latest stored procedure for loading products
Il y a 12 ans
Hi Andrei,

Thanks for your response. I'm just about to get started.

Two quick things.

- What's the name of the stored procedure that I need to update?
- Could I ask the same question about the sorting options I.e. by price asc, by price desc - which change set and database changes do I need to implement for this?

Thanks so much

Il y a 12 ans
higgsy wrote:
- What's the name of the stored procedure that I need to update?

There's only one SP in nopCommerce - [ProductLoadAllPaged]

higgsy wrote:
- Could I ask the same question about the sorting options I.e. by price asc, by price desc - which change set and database changes do I need to implement for this?

That was long time ago (several months ago). Quite hard to find.
Il y a 12 ans
Hey Andrei,

Thanks - wasn't the sorting options part of the 2.5?

Il y a 12 ans
Yes, they are available out of the box in 2.50
Il y a 12 ans
Hi Andrei,

Thanks for your help - got it all working within an hour. I'm running 2.41 !!

Thanks again

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