Downloadable Product URL

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Il y a 11 ans
Hi There,

I am a recent adopter of nopCommerce, so still getting to grips with this excellent but complex ecommerce solution.

I want customers to be able to download large audio MP3 files (40MB+)  from the store.  
Rather than load the MP3 files into the database I want to use the 'Use download URL:'  facility in the 'Edit product variant for product:' page.

So far -
I have selected the 'Downloadable Product' box
I have selected the 'Download URL:' box
I have set the - 'customersettings.downloadableproductsvalidateuser' setting to 'True'

If I FTP the MP3 files to the website - where should they be located - in a folder created in '' or a folder in 'wwwroot'??

I would appreciate some guidance on the preferred approach to the 'Download URL:' that should be entered, prior to selecting the 'Save download' button.

A sample URL would be appreciated - 'http://www.my_store/…../Prod.MP3 … '   etc

Any guidance will be gratefully accepted….

Thanks…. ericl
Il y a 11 ans
I would really appreciate a response to this topic.

Thanks.... ericl
Il y a 3 ans
And I would appreciate a reply to this very old post too!

My store just sells mp3 files (and one ZIP for the complete album) and I cannot get the downloadable product via url to work. Downloading from database works fine.

I was advised by the webspace owner that my URL should read:


and put the mp3 files inside the media folder via FTP because .NET Core runs within its own web-server (on top of the IIS web-server) and the publicly accessible location is within its own wwwroot folder.

However, when the customer ticks the 'User Agreement' this page just refreshes with the aforementioned box unticked and no download.

Bizarrely, once I've done this a couple of times, I reach the 'Maximum Download Limit' I have set. So, NopCommerce 'thinks' it's allowed a downloaded the mp3 file, but the mp3 has never been sent to the browser (I'm using Chrome but have also tested on Firefox with the same result).

Any help the community can offer would be greatly appreciated. I am a little stuck but know there is a solution as so many other users have succeeded.

Thank you in anticipation.

Il y a 3 ans
I put my files in a directory under wwwroot/productdownloads
So the Download link I enter in the product is
To test it I can enter the same link in the browser and the file is available to download
When the product is sold and marked as Paid nopCommerce makes the file available in the account via an encoded URL
When you click the Download link the User Agreement page is displayed, you tick the Box and click continue then the file is downloaded.
Make sure the file to download has the correct permissions
Il y a 3 ans
Hi Yidna

That's very helpful, thank you for your reply.

You've helped me solve the problem. My URL was wrong.

I had:

It should have been:

Simple as that. I was getting confused with my wwwroot folders! I won't be making that mistake again.

I have one further question (hoping this will help others who might have the same issue). If I was to store the mp3 file somewhere other than the space the shop resides, what would my URL be then?

For example:

1. bought space at Digital Ocean (only $5 pcm for 250 Gb seems quite reasonable to me)
2. Microsoft OneDrive
3. Google Drive

All are secure spaces so I don't see there being a conflict as far as the shop site's SSL credentials go (I remember having problems linking to files stored in an 'unsecure' space from a secure pace before now) but just wondered what form the URL would be for these types of locations.

Thanks again for your help. I was very stuck.
Il y a 3 ans
It does not matter where the file is located as long it can be accessed via a valid URL which is entered as above
i.e. a google drive file
Il y a 3 ans
That's great news!

Thank you for your help.

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