How open NopCommerce admin panel.

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Il y a 10 ans
If you have access to the database  (using a tool like SSMS, etc) then un-delete the user:

  update Customer
  set Deleted = 0
  where Id = 1

(Typically the Id for Admin is 1, but if not, then find Id, or use the Username - e.g
  where Username = '[email protected]'
Il y a 10 ans
Hello, I have a data base of aruba myLittleAdmin for SQL Server
in nop_customer, I found the admin user I open the table and is
"deleted" how can I change the deleted?
as soon as I try to edit I get this error:
Can not insert the value NULL into column 'LastAppliedCouponCode', table 'MSSql86574.MSSql86574.Nop_Customer', column does not allow nulls. UPDATE fails.
Changed database context to 'MSSql86574'.
The Statement Has Been Terminated.

give me information to change database? thanks
Il y a 8 ans
i had updated dafault theme to powerhub by login of admin
after that i m getting folling error

does not contain a definition for 'ResponsiveDesignSupported' and no extension method 'ResponsiveDesignSupported' accepting a first argument of type 'Nop.Core.Domain.StoreInformationSettings' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Please help me resolve this.
Il y a 7 ans
I am using Nopcommerce 3.70 (source code version). In my remote host i can see the public page. I can log in.
But when i click administration link, i can't see dashboard. it shows only the directory links.

what i will do to get administration dashboard.
Il y a 6 ans
Open the table Customer in SQL database and find the Built-in system user whoos email = ""
The Id is 7 in nopCommerce 4.0
By default this user is active.
Set it Active = False.
Login and you will see the Administrator Link at the top of the page.
Il y a 5 ans
hi im having a problem to open my website and admin panel too i wor installing facebook authentication Plugin and suddenly my admin panel crashed and then my website too even after that im not seeing or  getting my admin panel & Website Too there is nothing on the verge  please help me to resolve how to go into the admin panel
Il y a 5 ans
Add any new customer from backend update customer mapping table Role ID to 1

UPDATE [Customer_CustomerRole_Mapping]
SET CustomerRole_Id = 1 WHERE Customer_Id = 10

it will assign admin rights to the customer
Il y a 4 ans
by default where username is "[email protected]" is the admin, so default username and password is [email protected] / pass

You also can find the admin password to login as administrator

here are the tables to check customer info.
select * from [dbo].[Customer]
Select * from [dbo].[CustomerPassword]
select * from [dbo].[Customer_CustomerRole_Mapping]
select * from [dbo].[CustomerRole]

following query will fetch all customer, now check where [CustomerRole].Name='[CustomerRole]'
you will get all admin info.

save following join as view in your SQL
SELECT        dbo.Customer.Id, dbo.Customer.Username, dbo.Customer_CustomerRole_Mapping.CustomerRole_Id, dbo.CustomerPassword.CustomerId, dbo.CustomerPassword.Password, dbo.CustomerPassword.PasswordFormatId,
                         dbo.CustomerRole.Name, dbo.CustomerRole.Active, dbo.CustomerRole.IsSystemRole, dbo.CustomerRole.EnablePasswordLifetime, dbo.Customer.Email
FROM            dbo.Customer INNER JOIN
                         dbo.Customer_CustomerRole_Mapping ON dbo.Customer.Id = dbo.Customer_CustomerRole_Mapping.Customer_Id INNER JOIN
                         dbo.CustomerPassword ON dbo.Customer.Id = dbo.CustomerPassword.CustomerId INNER JOIN
                         dbo.CustomerRole ON dbo.Customer_CustomerRole_Mapping.CustomerRole_Id = dbo.CustomerRole.Id
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